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Stop Camera Movement

Thomas Mayer

Hey, I'm working on a demo for my upcoming RPG Maker MV game, From The Sky, and I have the end demo show to where the main characters are getting on a ship to sail into the ocean, but I can't quite figure out some way to make the ship go off the screen without having the character get on the actual vehicle and drive it off, without making the camera move with it. I want it to disappear really sneakily. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well you can just make an event that looks like the ship but not be actually controllable. When the actor reaches the ship have it remove the actor sprite. So they stay where they are camera wise. And activate the ship event to move. At work so if you need something more detailed I won't be able to help until late this evening.

Thomas Mayer

I tried doing that, but for some reason the "ship" event never moved anywhere like I wanted it to. Maybe I need to set it up with timed events to make the "ship" event move on its own?

Edit: This is what I have set up for moving the character and "ship" as an event. The event to the right is for moving the character to the ship, and the "ship" event is what is the representation for the actual vehicle you see to the left. I want to try and make it to where the character gets on the ship and moves away.rpgmakerthing.pngrpgmakerthing2.png
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You already have one autorun 001. I would take all of the control out of the ship event 002 and put it in event 001 make sure you click wait for completion in the move route to lock out the player input. That way you don't have to mess with the ship event at all. Add in some "screen flair" fade out or what ever rada epic cliff hanger.

Edit: I tested it out. Totally missed needing to set the ship event to Through. Otherwise it can't move on the blocked tiles. aka Ocean. Here is a screenshot of something very similar.


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