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Starting RPG Maker MV Videos


Hey everyone,

I'm starting two rpg maker video tutorial series. One is based on my game(s), that I'm making and the stuff featured in it. And the other I wish to be based on topics that you asked. I'm not good at scripting (so no how to make a plugin tutorials) but I know my way around java-script in MV enough to do cool evening and lunatic mode with note-tags. So please ask away for anything you want in a video.


Oh and my channel is here.


Global Moderator
I'd like to learn a lot of things, but to be sure, is it limited to eventing? I'd love to learn more about things like the damage equations and such. Also maybe tips for making use of Regions. That's just extra examples though.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
This sounds interesting and awesome. Tutorials overall are awesome and I'm looking forward to your videos. I don't know what you should make in a tutorial but I suggest you get a starting point ready and if the video gets more popular then I promise you this that people will probably start asking for tutorials related to certain things that they want to know about.


I'd like to learn a lot of things, but to be sure, is it limited to eventing? I'd love to learn more about things like the damage equations and such. Also maybe tips for making use of Regions. That's just extra examples though.
Eventing, Plugin Usage and Database things I can do. I consider them all together so if you want some on damage formulas then sure. Just no mapping (some one suggested it on the fourm I have on rpg maker webs and I'm like I suck at mapping. _._ )


Hey everyone,

I'm starting two rpg maker video tutorial series. One is based on my game(s), that I'm making and the stuff featured in it. And the other I wish to be based on topics that you asked. I'm not good at scripting (so no how to make a plugin tutorials) but I know my way around java-script in MV enough to do cool evening and lunatic mode with note-tags. So please ask away for anything you want in a video.


Oh and my channel is here.
Oooooooooh Interesting, I am checking it out!
Good Luck Zarsla :)


Staff member
Since this topic is MV related, and not necessarily gaming, I am promoting it to the MV Discussion section. :)