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Starbird Premium Tileset Collection

Starbird Premium Tileset Collection 6.1


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
Starbird updated Starbird Premium Tileset Collection with a new update entry:

Premium Tileset Collection Updated: New Tilesets and Fixes

V 3.0 now with Jungle, Modern Cars and Valentine's Day tilesets.

1. Aeroships-2 was a 256 color PNG with no alpha transparency. This error was fixed.
2. Minor tile positioning problem in Interiors was fixed.

If you purchased this resource and are unable to download this update, please send an email to with your forum username in the subject line.
Read the rest of this update entry...


Don't take it personal but I think I get eye cancer if I try to look at the preview images. ;) The blue Starbird text is far to prominent.


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
Don't take it personal but I think I get eye cancer if I try to look at the preview images. ;) The blue Starbird text is far to prominent.
I used to have lightly watermarked previews but found that my work was stolen, watermark removed, and posted to other sites without my permission. As a result I decided to heavily watermark the images. If there's any specific tileset you would like to see in better detail, please PM me and I'll be happy to oblige.


Hello, so I just signed up to the website to purchase the premium tileset bundle but it's in $ and when I click to purchase it sends me to the US paypal site with no way to sign into my UK paypal. Is there any other avenue or way to buy this tileset using my UK paypal?
Hey @Starbird I bought your tileset a while back (25 May 2018) and got a new PC. Your tileset isnt in my purchased options and I cant seem to find the email you originally sent me. Any chance for a repost? Cheers