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Spike trap trouble: Testing a players X and Y coordinates


Hello, and thanks for taking the time to take a look at my problem.

I am working on creating a challenge in RPG Maker where the player has to cross some spike traps to reach a pile of treasure. I have got most of it figured out, I used THIS tutorial. Everything works fine, except for the part where rm2kdev scripts the testing of where the players X and Y are, using this code:

$game_player.x == $[@event_id].x && $game_player.y == $[@event_id].y

The problem is, rm2kdev is using an older version of RPG Maker, VX Ace to be precise, which ran Ruby, not Javascript, code. I am wondering if anyone knows how to create that same code in RPG Maker MV, using Javascript.

Thanks again for your time!