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Specifics of plugin coding - Scene flow and API


Hey guys!

I wanted to do a scene from scratch - something pretty different which has physics, some collision detection in "real time" and so on. So obviously I started working on my own plugin, but I could not find very good documentation of the engine anywhere. I want to really dive deep and code this thing.

I got as far as getting my scene to run, draw some images on screen, but any sort of physics calculations (I want the images to "fall" to the ground using realistic acceleration) failed to execute, with objects updating only partially. I figured I just don't know the engine well enough and I needed more information, which I didn't find.

What I want to do.
I think it's time we had a well written guide on what a basic scene should include and what does what, which will cover:
  • Scene structure: creating, initializing and updating a scene.
  • Inheritance of basic scenes with prototypes and which base scene you should use for your plugin.
  • Interpreting input from the player.
  • Listing methods, classes and objects which are available to you (the programmer).
  • In-depth review of scene updates, "game ticks" and how they work.
I think that between everybody we have this knowledge but it's not easily accessible. I don't mind writing a basic guide about this if I knew the details well enough. How about we cooperate and start working on this valuable resource for the community?

[if by any chance this kind of documentation already exists, please point me in the right direction.]