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[Solved]Battle condition: Between x% and x% HP

Hello peeps!
I have just created an event inside a battle troop that only triggers when the enemy's HP is between 50% and 75%. Here's how I did it:
My issue here is that the event sequence doesn't trigger at all and I can't tell why. The event does trigger if I take off the Enemy HP > 50 condition though.

If someone could help me I would be really grateful.


Praised Adventurer
If Jake has Max HP, the division will give a result of 1 (450/450, for example. If Jake has anything less (anything at all...) the result will be less than 1, probably treated as 0. Multiplying then by 100 doesn't give us much at all.
Try (HP of Jake x 100)/Max HP of Jake instead..? So...

Enemy HP = HP of Jake
Enemy HP= Enemy HP * 100
Enemy HP = Enemy HP / Max HP of Jake

Does that help..?