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Skills & Traits Question

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Resident Dragon
Hi folks!

I'm relatively new to making RPGs in VXAce and MV (I'm now using MV), and as part of my pre-planning process for a game I'm working on, I wanted to ask a question regarding class skills and traits. Also, I apologise if this has been asked before.

I have a Paladin/Holy Knight class in my game and [the class] has multiple skills that it learns where it not only deals damage to an opponent, but also provides a buff to itself/the party (for instance, the class has a skill named "Holy Charge" which deals light damage & may provide a stun effect to the enemy, but also is designed to increase the defence of the user).

Is it possible to do this WITHOUT the use of a script/plugin? While I'm sure there are scripts & plugins out there that could do this, if I can use the inbuilt engine, that's one less block of code I have to input.

Thanks in advance.
~ Lore


Towns Guard
Hi Lore. Well I am not an expert either, but I think it is possible through an common event, at least when it's about the whole party. Just call the corresponding event in the skill (Through the skill-window in the database doubleclick in the table of "effects" and then go to "Misc.", there should be an option "common event"). In the common event then, have the whole group take the status. You can also choose a specific hero here, but I do not know if there's a way without scripting to read in which hero used the skill. However this could also be surrounded by only one hero being able to learn it - then you can name that hero. The damage of the skill, on the other hand, is determined by the damage formula anyway. Hope this was a bit understandable and might help you. Greetings, Jiriki9
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