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Simple Mercenaries 1.0

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Simple Mercenaries - Allows player to recruit mercenaries that last for X battles or until they die.

Name: Simple Mercenaries
Version: 1.0
Author: Mr. Trivel
Created: 2015-11-27

What does it do?
Allows player to recruit mercenaries that last for X battles or until they die.

Nothing to really show here.

How to use?
Give Mercenary Actors a tag in their note field:
<Mercenary: [J_CE], [L_CE], [LD_CE]>
[J_CE] - Common Event that plays when this mercenary joins. Perfect for a welcoming message.
[L_CE] - Common Event that plays when...
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This is a beautiful creation! I can see this being extremely helpful to handle all the little extra characters that may tag along during my game! From siding with fellow imperials during an enemy attack to assisting pirates on the open seas in battle instead of having a ton of detailed actors! Great work Mr.T!