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Show Custom Text on Screen


Hello there, i'm getting crazy searching all over the web in different languages, there's no way to find a plugin like that...
I'm not a programmer, i need to show custom text on screen, no messages, no popup over event just a simple text on screen with XY coordinate, and turn it ON or OFF with a common event.

I have try with Orange Hud and YEP Event MiniLabel but the are not the best way to do that.
With orange Hud i need tons of custom line.js files and with YEP i need several events in any map...

I'am creating a custom menù with pictures and parallel process, it's almost finish and work perfect, the only thing left are descriptions of the items, and text in the menu, i don't want do that with pictures for several reason, is not the right way to do, i need to have the possibility to translate other languages.

So there's a way to have a common event who show some custom text?
With scripts
With comments
Or in any way...

All the best