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Seeking Help W/ Creating A Skill


Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well! I'm currently in the process of creating a story with my RPGMMV client; however, I'm currently experiencing issues with my one and only skill, and I can't seem to deduce what it is that I'm doing wrong! (aww)

I've provided screenshots below, but what I'm trying to do is this:

I have a 'skill' called "exorcism", and "exorcism" is supposed to create a 'state' known as "blessed." The user should only be able to self-cast "exorcism" from the menu (no battles in my story-based game) and it should merely create a 'state' then I can use in conditional branching that states, if the 'state' is active, nothing happens, if the 'state' is inactive, then the user takes 10 damage.

What's ACTUALLY happening, is when I self-cast 'exorcism', my character immediately loses all of his HP. I've browsed and rebrowsed my settings before asking, but I just can't seem to deduce my issue. Any thoughts?

(If you need screenshots from other tabs, please kindly let me know!)

screen1.png screen2.png


I think the reason you are losing all your HP is because you have it set as an attack in the state settings and you have the scope as the user. So basically you are attacking yourself with holy damage. I think you should probably create the skill as a repel effect. Also set the occasion to menu screen. Besides that I am not sure how to help further. Sorry. :)


I think the reason you are losing all your HP is because you have it set as an attack in the state settings and you have the scope as the user. So basically you are attacking yourself with holy damage. I think you should probably create the skill as a repel effect. Also set the occasion to menu screen. Besides that I am not sure how to help further. Sorry. :)
Thanks for your input! Anything is better than nothing, haha! :)

I'll take a look and give your advice a try when I get home!



I don't know if this is an issue, but normally the state #0001 is used for Knockout.
I'm thinking that the engine sees that state #0001 is applied, so it sets HP to 0. I'm thinking that's the case, because there's no indication in the default KO state that it sets HP to 0, but it still happens if you get applied KO to a character, so it must be hardcoded.

Try changing your blessed state to some other ID. I'm pretty sure that's the problem.