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Script calls run in the wrong order.


im currently using this plugin which lets me run whole js files through an event script call, and this is the file im using, currently i am experiencing two issues, the first is that the script calls run in the wrong order (the sound effects, animations, movement, bubbles, and choice menu pop up before the dialogue) also the choice menu just dissapears when i select an option, it doesnt go to any. Also im using a modified version of a plugin by Lord Bones

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Not a clue what your trying to accomplish. It will be really hard to help you without knowig what you want to do. What does your event look like? Why do you need to load an entire plugin with an event when you can just insert it into the plugin manager?


My event is just a script call to exec('events\First_Contact.js');
And im not making it as a plugin and inserting it in the plugin manager cause them ill have way too many files in the plugin manager,
Cause i want to have all of my big events as seperate files, "Why?" you may ask, its simple i much prefer writing the dialogue through code than using the event commands.
Also im not "loading an entire plugin with an event". I've got a plugin (ExecScript) which lets me execute jsscripts (basically instead of using the "Script" event command with the line of code, i have a script call to ExecScript which executes the script (and before you ask why not use the "Script event command" its cause it really hates code that spans more than a single line))