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Screenshot Critique

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I am making a better critique screenshot thread for those that want feedback on their maps, game art, etc. This one will be a bit different than the one we already have, there will be rules to follow so no one goes left unnoticed. The basics is simple, you have a screenshot and you want feedback, the first step is to upload your screenshot either through the forums or your own image hosting site and you post it here on this thread, then you follow the rules below.
  • Put all screenshots in their own spoiler tag.
  • If there is a screenshot before you post yours, you are required to leave feedback on at least 1 screenshot from before your post. It's best to do this while posting your own screenshot. My hope is for more than 1 critique per post.
  • Please be nice! Follow Rule #3 of the community by not being a troll, or harassing others, we want to learn from each other here, be neutral, it is neither good nor bad but both, it is when we accept this we learn.
  • Give honest & appropriate feedback. If your not serious about looking at someone's screenshot and giving an honest critique or opinion then don't bother posting yet, come back when you're truly ready.
I highly recommend before taking or giving critique, is and article by a member of our forum, he has not been around for a while but he has left us a gem.

Critique Guidelines By @Storytailor (Also found Pinned to Development Showroom)

I will personally be moderating this topic daily, so please make this easy for everyone and give some kick ass feedback, critique, opinion, whatever, and let us learn from each other.
[doublepost=1454121227,1452981776][/doublepost]Okay so this has been up for 11 days and no one has posted yet, so I guess I'll start the first step. I been playing around with layers in MV so I can add lighting and shadows, color tones etc, it's been a while since I parallaxed any maps, so doing the lighting is a nice refresher. Anyways I was thinking of doing all shadows and lighting for every map in Sock quest, you know to make it stand out more, give it that extra edge. I started with a small home in one of the main towns, I did the mapping in MV then imported into photoshop and played around. Here is what I have. I personally think it's a bit dark in some areas but I'm not too sure, what do you think of my map?
Small Stone Home.png

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You do a great job with backgrounds and being able to show the proper perspective, nothing seems out of place. I'm loving the banana man with an umbrella. There are a few things that seem more 2-d compared to the rest of the scene, and that would be the flower pots, and light pole base but it's a unique style and it seems everything has it's own purpose and shape.
I was tracking your other thread with your other maps and I love this style, every map so far has been staying true to the same style, and I'm excited to see your final product. (cheeky)
@LTN Games Thanks for the feedback! really is nice to get some praise now and then :) I notice what you mean about the 2d issue though, I think the base of the streetlamp is the culprit. This will be rectified, aswell as more stuff on the way.
@LTN Games Great lighting, really adds a homely feeling to it. I'm probably just nit-picking, but maybe the bed could be moved a little closer to the wall? It doesn't take away from the shot anyway, it still looks great.

For myself, I'm trying to create an underwater-esque cave. I think I'm doing good so far, but feedback on how I could make it look more under-watery would be helpful.



Staff member
@Superkoopa, I agree a lot with what @LTN Games was saying. I love total 2D. The characters, furthest castle looking building, the wall (not including tower) and lamp posts are true 2D, height and width. It is the buildings, that have the extra dimension of depth, that in my opinion make it look odd. i absolutely love the detail you get with using strictly black and white. This makes the colors 'pop' when looking at Mr. Banana and the flowers.

@LTN Games , I do not see any challenges with your interior map. I think the darkness makes the light more precious. Me, personally, would not change athing.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
For myself, I'm trying to create an underwater-esque cave. I think I'm doing good so far, but feedback on how I could make it look more under-watery would be helpful.
Hmm... the light flickering from above and the bubbles are definitely a step in the right direction. Maybe tint the screen a little blue-ish, too. I'm thinking of something like in Pokémon RSE. Best case scenario would be some sort of water effect that's put over the entire scene - some sort of filter.

Alrighty, I've just finished this one today. It's the map where the intro of my game's gonna take place. It's nothing special, nothing too elaborated, just a mountain with a little military encampment at its base.
@Kaimen: the clifface is a bit too vertical, try adding more outcrops like you did for that top left corner. Also, left and right seem to be very straight. It would probably be worth extending the maps a couple of tiles in both directions to border it properly, so the player never touches the walls of the game.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
@Kaimen: the clifface is a bit too vertical, try adding more outcrops like you did for that top left corner. Also, left and right seem to be very straight. It would probably be worth extending the maps a couple of tiles in both directions to border it properly, so the player never touches the walls of the game.
Something like this? I extended the map a little to the bottom and the sides and also edited the cliff to be less vertical. Oh, and I also added an edited version of a parallax background with mountains to set the mood. ^_^


Staff member
@Kaimen . I like the background map. That is one high waterfall. You have my curiosity peaked at how one gets to that mid-way cave. Maybe it connects to another entrance? Maybe, that is in itself a quest? No spoilers...that is why I love the 'unknowness' of that specific cave. I love the geological attributes of it. It is very possibly to have a fresh water spring be free-flowing at the top of elevated portion, and then flow down to create a large water source at bottom. Looking at map also makes me wonder, if the characters starts at the top, or at the bottom. Great job mapping.


I just started working on another board game. This is one is a race to the mountain top. It is in early development. This is a 2496 X 2496 pixel map (52 X 52 map editor).

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
@MinisterJay it feels like it's a desert level, but they may be because the solid background color. Considering you say it's early development I'm assuming this map will have more added to it? Either way, I'm interested to see how it turns out. I can imagine a nice sand/desert texture as the background.


Staff member
@MinisterJay it feels like it's a desert level, but they may be because the solid background color. Considering you say it's early development I'm assuming this map will have more added to it? Either way, I'm interested to see how it turns out. I can imagine a nice sand/desert texture as the background.
I knew that I did not want it plush and green. That near sand color may actually be the answer. It could almost be a pyramid. It has four sides, and climbs up to a small flat areas at the top. Gives me a lot of options. Thanks.



I still need to edit my windowskin, but I'm relatively certain I'm going with this simple-but-effective screen.


Staff member
@clark I like the contrast between the brightness of the star, and the dark areas. Likewise, I like the font that you chose to use. I am guessing that the [Home Page] option goes to an external webs. It is nice how the light rays are being refracted.


@clark. It's a binary wormhole? It looks awesome.
that it is. I released the windowskin for free commercial use btw. Its pretty basic, just fades and shadows green and black - I literally made it to match the background. I really think I need some green-ish icons for credits (gold), essence, (other currency), and EXP... which I'll probably call MF for memory fragments. or FRAG... idk yet