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Save battle actor ID in a variable

I'm trying to develop a system where the Characters learn skills through the use of basick attack with a weapon.

I already figured out a workaround using a specific Skill, but I can't do it with the "standard attack". I tried to place an event like this:

- IF Variable Actor ID = 1
-- IF Actor 1 Dagger is Equipped
-- Add +1 to Variable "Dagger Use"
--- IF Variable Dagger Use = 3
--- Learn Skill "Double Dagger".

Se setting this common event to the basic attack would trigger only if I i could store the ID of the attacker in a variable. So even if other characters use the attack it will add the +1 only if the Actor 1 has attacked.

As I said before I already found a workaround, but If I could do it with the basic attack it would be better.
var LB_StoreActor = 0; //What var you want to store the ID

BattleManager.startAction = function() {
    var subject = this._subject;
    var action = subject.currentAction();
    var targets = action.makeTargets();
    this._phase = 'action';
    this._action = action;
    this._targets = targets;
    //    VARS:
    //    $gameParty._actors[action._targetIndex] - The Target of the action
    //    subject._actorId - The actor doing the action
    if(action._item._dataClass == skill){ $gameVariables.setValue(LB_StoreActor, subject._actorId); }
    subject.useItem(action.item()); //You'll want to do ^ before <
    this._logWindow.startAction(subject, action, targets);
There, just change the top var to the RPG Maker Var you want it to be in and simply stick that code in a js, into plugins and enable it.
Sorry for the late answer but I had some issues in rl and could not concentrate in making.

I just tried your script Lord Bones (and I thank you very much for it), but it seems I'm missing something:

- I copied your script in a Notepad++ page.
- Edited the variable part (LB_StoreActor = 1) since the variable I'm using for the check is n.1
- Saved the script as .js
- Moved it into plugins / js folder on the project
- Activated via plugin manager inside RpgmakerMV
- Set up the common event that checks the variable and makes you learn a test skill.
- Nothing happened