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Ya'kub Ayers

Salutations from other worlds! I have come here to share the story of- you guessed it other worlds. In all seriousness, I believe I discovered RPG maker VX ace about 3 years ago (forgive my terrible memory) and I now am MV. I have been back and forth between multiple game engines and tbh I came back to RPG maker recently. I imagined a lot of stories when I was younger and I still do, I want to make these stories into games and so that is what I am doing with RPG maker MV as of now. Not much else to say, but have a good day!(wink)


Praised Adventurer
Good evening, @Ya'kub Ayers , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Ask away if you need a bit of help; hoping to see the results here in due course..!


Resident Dragon
Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, but just remember to hold back from feeding @Dad3353 after midnight. :)


Praised Adventurer
@Lore ...

It's midday somewhere on the planet at any given moment, so I'm safe. Digestives, please, or fig rolls (and Earl Grey, of course...


Salutations from other worlds! I have come here to share the story of- you guessed it other worlds. In all seriousness, I believe I discovered RPG maker VX ace about 3 years ago (forgive my terrible memory) and I now am MV. I have been back and forth between multiple game engines and tbh I came back to RPG maker recently. I imagined a lot of stories when I was younger and I still do, I want to make these stories into games and so that is what I am doing with RPG maker MV as of now. Not much else to say, but have a good day!(wink)
K, go make some dank games.
If you are a lil' bit janky at times don't be shy to ask question. :|
Good Luck on your project :)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi and welcome to the forums~
Ahh it's so much fun to make stories.. and to read, huehue fanfics. Anyways good luck with your project and feel free to ask for advice or help if you need any :D Hope to see you around and have a lot of fun~

Ya'kub Ayers

Hi @Ya'kub Ayers . Welcome to the community. What kind of stories do you write?
There are multiple variations to the stories that I write. Honestly, I prefer fantasy settings, but I am not completely against anything. So basically whatever comes to mind. To be perfectly clear most stories, I want to make are set in my game universe. So they are interrelated and as much as I would like to go into detail they are too interrelated and to give out info blatantly would mean multiple explanations of backstory and even spoil, most stories. Each game has its own story though and they aren't just plot exposition either. That is just talking about my game universe stories alone, but the games themselves will not just be RPGs either so when it comes down to it, I might not even use RPG maker MV that much, but it is a good way to start with my story-driven games considering the only game I finished is an android game about jewels I made in unity...