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Salt, Bandannas and Muscles! Iron Croc's Campaign

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Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! I am the bandanna brute. I am the flute playing, composing voice actor. I am Iron Croc! And I'm here in an attempt to be YOUR next moderator.

Before I go into that, let me explain a bit about me and how I work...
I'm a young man who enjoys what he does and does what he enjoys. I'm a composer/musician who is working hard to be a professional voice actor, and in the hectic and crazy life I find solace and some peace in using RPG Maker Ace and MV to practice and create. Being here makes me happy. Running into creative people like myself makes me happy.

Now. On to more pressing matters.
As your new potential new moderator, I can't, and WON'T make any fancy outlandish promises, declarations or things like that. I bring nothing to the table except me, myself, and I. :) I aim to serve the community members fellow staff, and even potential members the best way I possibly can. All I can say is that I'll do my utter best to be fair to everyone and to approach things with a level head, taking absolutely no partiality.

Now then, ladies and gentlemen. Comes the more interesting process of Q and A. Ask me your questions and I will do my best to answer. To my fellow candidates, good luck to every one of you and may the best man, beast, or woman win!
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Awesome thread, Croc! You did a good job of giving us some insight. (smile)

> What do you think is more important: being taken seriously as a staff member, or being able to hang around with other users?

> What do you if a member is stirring up trouble, but not technically breaking any rules?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.

Warning a fellow moderator or an admin, I wouldn't do. If it was a fellow mod, I'd politely pull him or her to the side and remind him or her of the rules we follow AND uphold. Warning an admin isn't even an option to me because they outrank us. I would, however, once again, privately and discreetly remind them of the rules we as staff uphold, and therefore should follow ourselves.

@Amysaurus, to question 1: I'd daresay hanging out with people, but in balance, of course. First of all, just because I'm a moderator doesn't mean I'm some untouchable being on a pedestal. If and when the times comes for me to crack the perverbial whip, I'd go ahead and do such.

Question 2: If a member is stirring up trouble but not breaking any rules, I'd do everything I could to ease tension and call him or her out in bolded mod voice if I needed to, which I believe is not the same as giving an official warning.

@JibstaMan Yes. Yes I do proofread my posts. However, just like most other people, mitsakes here and there get though undetected. :) If I see a mistake I've made, I simply edit the post to correct it and saunter on. :)

Please keep the questions coming!


Studious Dark Lord
If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
What's your favourite flavour of drink?
FRUIT PUNCH! It reminds me of my childhood when I'd dunk chocolate/vanilla sandwich cremes (called Duplex creams) into it and drink. :}

If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?
I personally would use mod voice to tell them to stop. These forums are to be a place for fun, creativity and the occasional disagreement! If people take it too personally and start heated arguments, then they need to stop and think. To take a moment and relax. :)
If members broke rules, I'd warn one or both of them.
I'd also tell them take it to PM if it was a matter beyond my control, moreover, if it had nothing to do with the forums in general. If they broke a rule, I'd warn them.


Studious Dark Lord
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?
If the topic was in line with a particular forum AND if the discussion at hand was in line with a particular thread, I would actually sit back, let the discussion happen and watch. Being in a forum means having to see and take part in discussions you don't like, or that you find particularly unsavory. Being a place this highly public, there is unfortunately no way to avoid that completely.

If the situation got out of hand and people got upset I would request that the discussion be halted and/or brought to PMs. Since they weren't breaking any rules, there would be no official reason to warn.


Studious Dark Lord
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.
If it was a major issue with forum members, I would do everything I could to screenshot and save their post, then take take it down and sternly warn them Then, I'd bring up the offense with admins and fellow mods in talks of what to do should said issue arise again.

If it was an issue with the forums themselves, I would report the issue to administrators and see that the issue be fixed as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

I'm sorry I took so long! I wasn't sure what you meant at first... ><

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.

Another question related to previous one.

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?

Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)

That should be good for now, may not be the best questions but I'm saving those ones for later .


Studious Dark Lord
A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?


Praised Adventurer
A member sends you a PM stating that another member had taken one of his/her resources and posted it here, claiming it was their own, but can provide no credible evidence proving this to be true, yet when you contact the member who posted the material they claim this to be false, but can also provide no credible evidence proving this to be false. How would you go about resolving this issue?


[Insert Member Title]
Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?

> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.

> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
@LTN Games
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.
-Get up, get ready for my day, then I take care of my family and their needs. (feeding them, etc).
-Work on music commissions.
-Forum things.
-Jobhunting (which takes a bit of the day)
-Practice my flute, then vocal warm ups for auditions.
-Voiceocer auditions.
-Work on RT things.
-More forum things.
-Time to myself to relax, then wind down

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.
After RL job, I'd say my family and their particular needs. After that, working toward my career (in my case, voice acting) has to come first after the job. After that, RT and serving the community, whether I'm a regular member or a moderator.

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?
I would put my job as a mod first, before my free time. Obviously since my day are quite busy with auditions and things, I can't spend all day on the forums, but what time I CAN commit here would be spent serving the community the best way I could.
Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)
Hey, LTN!
Just to let you know, you've done quite a bit of spamming HERE, HERE, and HERE. This is a friendly reminder to you to stop spamming per Rule #1 of the forums:
sage said:
1. No spamming.

This includes:
  • Double posting (posting twice in a row, or back to back) at any time except when updating something.
  • Posting on old threads that can no longer provide any valuable discussion.
  • Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion.
  • Posting in languages other than English
I'm sure you didn't mean to, but please be careful! I don't want to have to give you a warning next time. Take care of yourself, alright?
A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?
This... this really hits home with me. In the past two years I've had to deal with horrifying family emergencies than I can even count at this point, many of them involve being away for almost 20 hours.
Depending on the time I have, I'd post a single status update explaing very briefly and concisely that a family emergency had happened, and that I'd be away. Plainly and simply, that's all I can do, and that's if I even HAVE that luxury of time. Oftentimes there IS no time and I'd just have to go.

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?
I'd post in a PM to my fellow mod(s) and admins, explaining in slightly more detail as to what was going on. That is, assuming I'd be able to even post anything due to my current emotional or mental state from the situation at hand.
A member sends you a PM stating that another member had taken one of his/her resources and posted it here, claiming it was their own, but can provide no credible evidence proving this to be true, yet when you contact the member who posted the material they claim this to be false, but can also provide no credible evidence proving this to be false. How would you go about resolving this issue?
This actually happened to me personally once, so judging from that experience, I'd say this:
I'd remind the person accusing that what he's saying is VERY SERIOUS and could result in the other person's BANNING, or, if the accuser was found to be falsely accusing, could himself face punishment. I would then pursue the matter with the other person.

I'd send a PM to the offending party and let them know what's going on. If neither can provide proof BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT, then I would be forced to instruct the both of them to drop the subject and to keep it off public forums, in PMs.
Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?
If it was via PM, I would PM them back and explain to them once as to WHY I gave the punishment, cite the rule(s) being broken, and politely instruct them to approach an administrator if they feel the action taken was in any way unfair.

If they did this in a public forum, I would still send a PM, but I would tell them to take grievances to PMs, that public forums are not the place for (situations like this.)
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?
Ahhh, salt. My favorite seasoning. As long as other members aren't being affected by this behavior in any way, I'd see no reason to need to take action.
> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.
- Following rules because that's obvious.
- Keeping active (with RELAVENT content!)
-Greeting new members, because everyone should feel welcomed. If new members feel welcomed, there will be a greater chance of better content and discussion as our forums grow.
Participating in events because they can be fun!
> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?
I would simply, calmly, and politely ask them to start their own thread and to not hijack someone else's thread.
Example: @Amysaurus, please don't hijack other people's threads. If you have a question, feel free to start your own thread. Thank you.

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?
I would politely instruct them that although their one last comment was on topic, that most of their post was still off topic and that they need to follow the rules more closely, citing rule #5. It's clear that the off topic tangent was meant to derail the thread, even if they post one single comment at the bottom.

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?
I would politely instruct the offending user to please not use all caps as it is considered yelling. If it was 1337 5p34k, I would cite rule #1. Spamming is not tolerated.

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?
I would watch the content and look for relevance. If I found insufficient relevance, I would politely instruct them to keep things on topic and to put thought into their posts. I might even encourage discussion with them!

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?
I would approach the user in IM and ask why they're doing what they're doing. Personal conflict is always best resolved OUTSIDE of the forum. If that is unavoidable and they bring the forums into it, then I'll screenshot what they said and show it to admins and co mods, seeking council.

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?
When their unfriendliness affects the quality of the person's work. That's when I'd approach their leader.

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?
I would use google translate to tell them that these forums are ENGLISH ONLY. I'd also refer them to helpful sites to help learn English. :)

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.
Brosaurus. Bro.


Dragon Goddess
Hello Iron Croc! I wish you all the best on your campaign :D

Here is a question from me : As a mod, what will you do to make the forums livelier and more fun?
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