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RPG turn based system(core) dieing?!


Towns Guard
I'm seeing fewer RPG turn based system battle gameplay in PC/Mobiles, whilst I dun have a ps4...researched alot of em in the net
Most seems to have left The TB...and went into CoC-type(IMO, I dun like it)/action(though I really like em x3)/fps(Ugh dizzy camera...and I suck xD)/hell even MMORPG type of mainstream gameplay(sometimes it is a very slow gameplay system compared to TB ,IMO)...even in great Rpgmaker games I've seen on YT nowadays...

(Though thanks to Kemco for publishing their JRPGs onto Gplay , I can still feel the TB gameplay feeling...and in more flavors xD
(Hehehe I even play on an Emulator for some old nostalgia)

Question is...why is it getting fewer and fewer nowadays???
Or I'm just blind xP


Dragon Goddess
I still see a good amount of turn-based games out there like Disgaea (PS3, PS4 Vita) and Fire Emblem (3DS)--(turned based strategy JRPGs), unless you mean the more traditional kind of turn-based like Dragon Quest. as for other games that have turn based... there is Pokemon of course haha, that's still going strong after all these years!

hmm...trying to think of others I've played recently. I feel like they are mostly on handhelds. there are a couple fun ios turn-based games I played... Brave Frontier, Summoner's War and Final Fantasy Record Keeper (if you're a fan of the FF series, I recommend this one! it is fun for a while)

I think turn-based games are usually more niche than the genres you mentioned though, since they tend to take more time/thought to play. I'm not sure what CoC-type of gameplay is though. is that Clash of Clans? I dunno how it works xD


Towns Guard
Okay then maybe I'm just blind cuz of the major game console and I'm a PC person and could I forget Pokemon xD and FF releases and remakes
...Record keeper not really a fan of onlines though...


Dragon Goddess
...Record keeper not really a fan of onlines though...
you mean games where you have to connect to the internet? or did you mean something else? cuz it's a completely solo game (although you can use a friend's hero in battle). iirc most ios games have some sort of online functionality but I don't know since I haven't used my iPad in a LOOOOONG time... *looks at pile of dust that was once an iPad*

but yeah you can get pretty much all the FF games on Steam. have you heard of the 4X genre? you might like it.

OH yeah, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is a GREAT turn-based JRPG (there's also a sequel), Child of Light is another... im sure there are a lot more, I'm just looking at my steam library lol


Towns Guard
Lolz IC xD

Feeling relieved now...
I mean some online games tend to be completely infinite(mostly in the story) in MMORPGs nowadays, wherein PVP is the great challenge


Dragon Goddess
I mean some online games tend to be completely infinite(mostly in the story)
oh ya I see. well, pretty much that game's story is just.... the story of all the Final Fantasy games haha. it's neat for a nostalgia trip, but yea. most mobile games are that way cause they want you to keep giving them money! O_O (why I get bored with most mobile games myself..)

but anyways, I hope now you will get a chance to try some of the stuff I mentioned. ^_^ I highly recommend Legend of Heroes!


Towns Guard
it's actually gotten wayyyy better. when real time combat became viable, everyone was developing in that format. lately there's been a relatively huge resurgence. (ie past 6 years or so). from 2000-2010, everything was realtime. even final fantasy switched to real time at that point. the invention of the 'indie' game genre has allowed for a massive turn-based market.