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RPG Maker MV Version 1.1 Update

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The moment we have all been waiting for, the newest MV update which fixed numerous bugs and brings new tools.

Copy pasted from publishers site
Hello everyone, the latest version of RPG Maker MV is here!
Create a new project and copy the new js files (except plugins.js so it won't overwrite your Plugin Manager Parameters) to your current project!

Download Links

RPG Maker MV Update Exe

Optimized Resources

Full Version 1.1.0 Installer

Plugins Download

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed Paste Last Bug in the Animation Editor.
  • Fixed Canvas Mode: Change Parallax Bug.
  • Fixed Faceset Distortion when changing resolution.
  • Fixed Battle Crash when the Damage Formula Box is empty.
  • Fixed Monitor FPS Issue.
  • Fixed Movement Route changes are saved even when cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused: If you have any changes in Plugin Manager and directly close the windows in the title bar (not by Cancel/Esc), the changes will be committed.
  • Fixed Pixi Add/Multiply/Screen commands in WebGL mode!
  • Fixed States removed when failing to escape battle
  • Fixed Scroll Bar in Show Text when Batch Entry is checked
  • Fixed the position of index in ImageSelector.
  • Fixed Save deleting bug when a game fails to save (now uses a backup and restore system)
  • Fixed Actors set to auto battle will only heal the first actor in the party
  • Fixed Remember Command selects the wrong skill
  • Fixed Autotiles don't function the same as RMVXAce.
  • Fixed Sideview Battler Bug: Guard Pose
  • Fixed an issue that caused database JSON files (specifically Actor.json) to not automatically update when some changes are made (specifically Equipment Types)

Implemented Features

  • Implemented Onion Skin in Animation Editor.
  • Implemented Plugin Help Everywhere.
  • Re-implemented RPG Maker 2003's Class change option: Keep Level feature.
  • Implemented Message Box and Plugin Parameters IconSet Viewer.
  • Implemented Confirmation Dialogue on Event, Database and Plugin Manager Cancel
  • Reimplemented the Resource Manager
  • Implemented Return Home/End Buttons inRMMV for navigating event pages
  • Implemented a tool to remove unused resource from a project
  • Additional Generator Parts
  • Additional Plugins: Slotmachine, TouchUI, Gachabook, Gacha and NovelMessage
  • Resources compressed


If you copy the JS files into you project you might want to be careful not to over write generator parts if you already added new ones to a project.


Staff member
Have they yet to give us the encryption feature we had in Ace?

Then again, they were pushing Virtual Box...hmmm


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Yay resource manager. Some new things sound interesting, some things are still unfixed. They released the maker in the end of October and now it's the beginning of March, but still any updates are better than none and some issues can still be fixed with certain scripts


Have they yet to give us the encryption feature we had in Ace?
Because Javascript is the core of the system and native binaries aren't a possibility in MV, you'll never be able to get effective encryption. The most they can do is a compression format, which will only do to massively increase load-times.

You can probably do hashing, but the key will be there in the Javascript for the world to see, not to mention that the WebKit engine will display the content raw anyway, so it's completely pointless to even try.

If you need encryption for your proprietary content then MV is most definitely not for you. The best you can do is store your content on a web-server and require a session to access it (but that's not going to stop anyone from ripping it all once they access it).

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
For anyone wanting to upgrade a current project, be sure to backup the current folder either on a cloud drive or your HDD. Once backed up, go to RPG MAker MV's original installation folder. For Steam it will be in the steam folder for standalone it will be in your program files directory under Kadokawa. Inside this installation directory will be a folder called "New Data", open up the JS folder and copy everything except for the plugins folder and the plugins.js into your current project folder. Now your ofically upgraded.

Step By Step
  • Backup your current project directory
  • Open MV Install Directory
  • Open New Data folder
  • Open JS Folder
  • Copy Everything but plugins.js and the plugins folder
  • paste into your current project.
  • All Done!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Not for your current projects, only in the main MV installation directory. When updating, it will replace all files in the "New Data" directory. So creating a new project will have the upgraded scripts, but current projects will not recieve the updated scripts.


Steam doesn't auto-update those files? Hmm...
It would be bad if it did that in-case it overwrote a change you may have made to the critical files.

Also, Steam doesn't have access beyond the application's install directory, so the only thing it's capable of updating is RPG Maker MV's base files.

MV could auto-update your projects for you, but again that might risk overwriting a critical change.


Confused about updated scripts. I am a steam/mac user
My current project opened with new generator parts, buttons to confirm closing windows in events etc and new manager for resources. Do I need to still add the JS scripts from the new data folder or did it do it all automatically?
Confused about updated scripts. I am a steam/mac user
My current project opened with new generator parts, buttons to confirm closing windows in events etc and new manager for resources. Do I need to still add the JS scripts from the new data folder or did it do it all automatically?
your project itself is not updated automatically. The gen parts are from the Maker itself.