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I have received excellent support for my template idea, and thought I might as well make a starter guide while I am at it. This guide is for people just starting Rpg maker MV, who don't rely know where to start.
First of all, congratulations on getting one of the most user friendly programs for making games to date. I am sure you would like to get right into making your fantastic game, but just don't know where to start, well I am here to help.
First of all, one of the things you are going to want to do, is create a test map. I am sure you want to dive right into making your epic, but this is rely the best place to start, familiarize yourself with the maker's functions.
First of all, Map, event, and database are your bread and butter, odds are you will use these functions more then anything else.
Map (Looks like a square patch of grass with a dirt crossroad in the middle): Map does what you expect it to do, it lets you paint your world so to speak. If you look to your left side of the screen you will find tiles, these are your paint. You click the one you want, and click on the map, and it places this tile. The tabs at the top of these tiles switch what tiles you can use. An important thing to note is Tilesets, this decides what kind of map you are doing, such as overworld, inside, outside, and dungeon. In order to change your map type, if you look below your tile set, you will find a green cube with your games name on it, right below it is what looks like a sheet of paper, if you right click it right at the top, you will find edit, This lets you change the name of the area, what enemies you will fight, how big your map is, and what tileset you are using.
Event (Right next to Map, has what looks like a pawn standing on the map tile): Event is what makes NPCs, controls cut scenes, lets you switch between maps, and more. You may end up spending more time in here then anywhere else, this is because it is one of the most important features in the maker. You will want to spend a good amount of time exploring what all is in it. First up, if you double click in any tile on your map, a window will pop up, In it, you will find how to name your event, the image used for this event (also used to select what this npc looks like) what triggers the event, what level the event is on, if it moves, and how it moves, conditions for the event to appear (get to that later), and in the center you will find contents. If you click contents a window will open up. In the window, at the top you will see 1, 2, and 3, these change the options for what the event will do. I wont explain what each does or else you might be here all day, so fiddle around with it. One of the options listed is switches and variables, these tell your event when to appear and other usefull tricks, switches turn on and off, use them for example when you want an npc to disappear when an event is completed. Variables do much the same thing. Its best to play around with it a bit.
One of the things you will want to do, is create an npc who will start battles for you, First click anywhere on your map for this npc, then decide what image you want it to have, then click contents, the second option in the first page will say show choices, click it. then add the text you want to know what battle you are selecting, i like to use levels (What level you are expected to fight it at) then, on the last 2 options, put cancel, and next (If you desire more monsters).in the right in the tab labled other, point it to the one you decided cancel was at, do the same for default. Now you will see a list under contents listed "When (your text here)" under it click the empty space, in tab 3,at the top you will see battle processing,click it and select who you want to fight. Now, leave cancel blank, and if you decided to include a next option, make a new choices command and repeat the process until you are satisfied. Congrats, you have just made a new event!
This is all i got so far, more to come.
First of all, congratulations on getting one of the most user friendly programs for making games to date. I am sure you would like to get right into making your fantastic game, but just don't know where to start, well I am here to help.
First of all, one of the things you are going to want to do, is create a test map. I am sure you want to dive right into making your epic, but this is rely the best place to start, familiarize yourself with the maker's functions.
First of all, Map, event, and database are your bread and butter, odds are you will use these functions more then anything else.
Map (Looks like a square patch of grass with a dirt crossroad in the middle): Map does what you expect it to do, it lets you paint your world so to speak. If you look to your left side of the screen you will find tiles, these are your paint. You click the one you want, and click on the map, and it places this tile. The tabs at the top of these tiles switch what tiles you can use. An important thing to note is Tilesets, this decides what kind of map you are doing, such as overworld, inside, outside, and dungeon. In order to change your map type, if you look below your tile set, you will find a green cube with your games name on it, right below it is what looks like a sheet of paper, if you right click it right at the top, you will find edit, This lets you change the name of the area, what enemies you will fight, how big your map is, and what tileset you are using.
Event (Right next to Map, has what looks like a pawn standing on the map tile): Event is what makes NPCs, controls cut scenes, lets you switch between maps, and more. You may end up spending more time in here then anywhere else, this is because it is one of the most important features in the maker. You will want to spend a good amount of time exploring what all is in it. First up, if you double click in any tile on your map, a window will pop up, In it, you will find how to name your event, the image used for this event (also used to select what this npc looks like) what triggers the event, what level the event is on, if it moves, and how it moves, conditions for the event to appear (get to that later), and in the center you will find contents. If you click contents a window will open up. In the window, at the top you will see 1, 2, and 3, these change the options for what the event will do. I wont explain what each does or else you might be here all day, so fiddle around with it. One of the options listed is switches and variables, these tell your event when to appear and other usefull tricks, switches turn on and off, use them for example when you want an npc to disappear when an event is completed. Variables do much the same thing. Its best to play around with it a bit.
One of the things you will want to do, is create an npc who will start battles for you, First click anywhere on your map for this npc, then decide what image you want it to have, then click contents, the second option in the first page will say show choices, click it. then add the text you want to know what battle you are selecting, i like to use levels (What level you are expected to fight it at) then, on the last 2 options, put cancel, and next (If you desire more monsters).in the right in the tab labled other, point it to the one you decided cancel was at, do the same for default. Now you will see a list under contents listed "When (your text here)" under it click the empty space, in tab 3,at the top you will see battle processing,click it and select who you want to fight. Now, leave cancel blank, and if you decided to include a next option, make a new choices command and repeat the process until you are satisfied. Congrats, you have just made a new event!
This is all i got so far, more to come.