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RPG Maker MV Memory HOG! Crashes!

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Killer Gin

Towns Guard
OMG guys! I just had to post this, this is for anyone that is experiencing memory issues with RPG Maker MV


RPG Maker MV has a major Memory issue!!

RPG Maker MV Game Process:
My Mac = 22MB of memory (Full Standalone Version)
My PC = 12MB of memory (Full Standalone Version)

Which was accurate but I failed to realize that when the game opens, it opens other processes as well! Most notably the "NWJS Helper" for the Mac and oh boy is it a memory hog! The only reason why I never notice how much of a memory hog it truly is, is because my Mac is a Mac Book Pro 2014 model with 16 GB of RAM. (I don't play the PC version to notice the sudden annihilation of RAM)

I ran two trials on the my Mac Book Pro 2014 and these are the results:


My version of RPG Maker MV (Mac STEAM Version (YES, up to date with version 1.3.1, I use vitrually 0 parallax and 0 parallel processes, and no my maps aren't huge and I primarily just use Yanfly's plugins and memory has always been an huge issue before I added the Terrax Lighting plugin)

Two trials:

1) Mac Book Pro 2014 (Browser Version on Chrome) (First trial I didn't track minute by minute, I did for the second one)

Didn't track the beginning, only started tracking after game started lagging a little.
After 45 min of play it was at 6 GB!!! Chrome was struggling! I shut it down after this because it was too laggy and unbearable.

2) Mac Book Pro 2014 (Mac Version, local)

Game starts at 100 MB and quickly jumps to 300 MB in the intro.
jumps to 500 to 800 MB Fluctuations in the first 10 min
jumps to 1 GB after 15 min
jumps to 1.27 GB after 45 min (started Battling)
jumps to 1.45 GB after 1 hr (Battling)
jumped to 1.90 GB after 1 hr 6 minutes!! (Battling)
jumped to 2.06 GB after 2 hrs 9 Minutes!! (Battling! Every battle seems to add 150 MB to memory!)

Jumped to 2.36 Gb after 2 hr 30 minutes (The game started to noticably lag after this, so I stopped)


C'mon, is 2.36 GB of memory suppose to be acceptable after 2 hr 30 min of play time? How many computers out there can handle that? Forget mobile! (Best case! it was 6 GB on Chrome in 45 min!!) I mean am I expecting too much from MV? Perhaps 2.36 GB is fine, let me know.

I have been very patient and I hope the memory issue has been placed at number 1 priority. No wonder why the android version is simply not possible. That is very bad because I primarily bought MV so I can make a game on Android as well (Andoid, PC, Mac, and Iphone, and sell the game on STEAM). The only games I see that may not have many issues are the super small demonstrations because I can see anyone putting forth an effort to actually make a decent game will run into this memory nightmare. Please give me some hope, some good news please? Is the update around the corner?

My game, Killer Gin: (The struggle is real)


What do you think? Experiencing the same issues? Am I being too dramatic?


Praised Adventurer
We've been following this issue for quite some weeks, now, and apparently it affects different platforms differently. There is a Patch Plug-in which works well on my modest Projects, but has no effect on some others that use plenty of Plug-ins. I suspect that some of those Plug-ins are not optimised with this effect in mind for now.
As far as I know, there is work being done on this, and there is hope that a forthcoming version will have a cure, but there's no date on the next release. I would suggest Patience and Faith. If it were an easy fix, it would have been done long ago, but the Great Gods of RPG are aware of the issue, and will fix it as soon as it's fixable.
To be continued..?

Killer Gin

Towns Guard

I used this and BAM! Beautiful! My game works so smoothly now and I watch the memory clean itself up efficiently. I know its a temp fix and I know it most likely is not an "end all be all" fix but wow this is script amazing!

The game runs so smoothly now that I am able to play the game on Android (there is still a sound lag issue on Android but I'll take it)! This is what I was looking for!

I am sure the team already has looked into how this beautiful little script works and will incorporate it in the next big update but why didn't you tell me to look at this? Works great! I suggest recommending this script as a temp fix (a great one) until the next big update which, I hope, incorporates this and many other fixes. ;0)


Staff member
Looks like you solved your own question. :) I will close this thread, unless someone PMs me that they found a better solution.


Praised Adventurer
@Killer Gin ...

Is this not the same as the one I mentioned here..?

@Killer Gin ...

Have you tried the 'work-around' plugin that's posted near the end of the topic that I linked to..? It worked for my modest Projects, and my Memory Leak Demo project, but not for a much bigger Project which I have, which uses a whole swath of Yanfly stuff. I don't know if it's relevant to the phenomenon I've got, but might be worth a try until a definitive fix is found..?
Just sayin'.
(... and they're a rum bunch over there, I find; easily upset. 'Handle with care', and little place for banter, it would seem. Oh well...)
I'm glad you've got it working for you, and look forward to it being officially incorporated in the next release.
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