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Unity RPG Maker MV how to make elements super effective and not effective


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Resource Team
This tutorial will create something similar to pokemon elements as well as fire emblem elements for RPG Maker MV and I believe it'll be the same with most other RPG Maker versions.


It's fairly simple, however it's the opposite of what I was expecting originally. The element multiplayer hits higher the lower you go down, and hits lower the higher you go down. So in theory you just have to do the opposite of what you'd expect when working on it. I'll explain more of what this means below.


This means that this element will heat Earth higher, and hit Water lower. So you may do 150 damage to earth, and only 50 damage to water. The reason is the Earth is set to x 50 and water is set to x 150.


You will have to set this up for the class or actor individually, as well as the enemies as well. Anyone you'd like to hit higher based off their class will have to have this set up.

The first thing you will need to do is open up your settings by clicking the highlighted area:

The absolute first thing you will need to do is make sure you set up the elements you want. You can do that by going Types, and then Elements which is the first section.


And adding whatever elements you wish to that. These elements will be what you use throughout this whole process.

For this tutorial I'll be going through and showing you how to do it for classes. Go to the class you'd like to edit.


Now, to the right you should see traits, and in there it may have some default stuff. That's okay. Simply click under the last thing you see in traits, and then go to attack, and Attack Element.


Like so. Select the element you'd like to have your character/class to be and then click okay.


You should now see that your attack element is now whatever you ended up setting. This simply makes it so you're a specific element, which allows enemies to hit based off of that element. However, it doesn't make it so you attack higher based off of other elements. In order to do that click on the trait underneath your new Attack Element, then it should be automatically pulled up as Rate > Element Rate. Select the element you'd like to be super effective when attacking. For this example, I want Earth to be able to more damage to Water. So I will select Water as my element, and then change the percentage to 50%. Remember, the lower the percentage, the higher damage you deal.


It should look like this when you're done.

Next, we will need to add what it is ineffective against. For this tutorial I will be doing fire. I'll be making it so it does less damage against fire, so you do the same thing as the last step, however instead of choosing water and making the number smaller you choose Fire and make the larger larger. The larger the number, the less damage they do to it. So I'll be setting it to 150%.


To keep everything concise I also go through and add all other elements and set them at a flat 100%. This way I make sure everything functions 100% how I'd like it to be.

Now, you must go through the enemies and add their attack element as well as everything using the above methods. This will ensure that you deal more damage or less damage to them based off of their element as well. After all of that, you should notice a significant increase/decrease in damage based off of your attack element.

I hope this tutorial helps. If you're viewing and haven't registered already make sure to do so as it helps out a lot :) If you've joined, please comment, and give a rating to this post to show your support :)