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Room Arrangement Question


Hello! I've been getting back into crafting my adventure/puzzle game, "The House on Oddity Hill," after resolving some personal and technical issues I was facing, and I'm looking for input concerning the connectivity of my maps.
The game is set mainly in a large manor house, Oldenbone Manor, and its surrounding property.
The outdoor maps are easy enough, but I'm wondering about the interior of the house itself. There are multiple still events planned per room, including containers and readable books/notes. Throughout the house, there will be characters who move between rooms, and (possibly) floors.
Some rooms are quite small, like the occasional 3x3 (in walkable area) storage closet, while other rooms, like the east and west greenhouses will be considerably larger, but still nothing super grandiose as far as map size is concerned. I have sketched out the floorplan of the house already and my plan is to either use a different map per room, or multiple rooms on a single map per floor, each one spaced by enough black tiles so as to appear to be different maps, but allowing for easier tracking of moving characters.
Any input on which option would be best? I'm leaning toward the latter option, but I'd hate to overload a map with too many events.
I would have to go with the former, but there IS a plugin that will give it more of a floor-by-floor feel.
Here's the link:


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
My first instinct was to go with the former over the latter, but @UngraguGaming offers and interesting option that would be worth trying out. One nice thing about entering/leaving maps is that you can easily reset any relevant switches that way. but there's something very aesthetic about the Zelda style that seems especially fitting for a horror theme. Why not play around and see which feels better?


It shouldn't be too difficult to try, and it would indeed lend more to the feeling I want the game to convey. Thanks for that suggestion, both of you!