Indie Dev

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[RMVXAce] [Script Request] Equipment Durability

The scope of this script is to give equipment durability ratings that determine the effectiveness of the equipment until it is repaired.

A simple approach would be a straight percentage. At 100 durability, the equipment's stats are 100% effective. At 1% durability, it would be wise to use items to repair the equipment. This would require an item, or perhaps a service capable of restoring durability.

Weapons would lose durability when used to attack. Armors would lose durability when the player was attacked.

From a personal perspective, I feel that 1% should be the lowest durability rating available, as 0% would make the equipment too useless to the player.

There are options we can add, of course, although I feel the above is simple enough. One option is to have equipment break at 0%, for more punishing games. Another option is to have durability able to rise above 100%, as though the equipment has been slightly improved beyond its basic design.

I expect this script might require a dependency on another script controlling equipment. Keeping this limitation in mind, we should always strive to make feature scripts as modular and compatible as possible to stay true to the intent of RPG Maker to allow people of all skill levels to design games. As such, this script should be made freely available to the entire RPG Maker community.

Thank you for your time.