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RMMV Plugin Scripting Tutorials

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
I have the whole remaining months making videos and tutorials, so while I still have the strength and I am still alive, I'd like to create this thread. This is all I can do for the RM community for now, and I do hope it would help people learn how to write their own plugins in the future.

I keep this updated everyday. I will be making one to three tutorials a day.

Tutorial 1 - Variables
Tutorial 2 - More about Variables and Math Functions
Tutorial 3 - Functions and Variable Scope
Tutorial 4 - Conditional Operators and if..else..else if
Tutorial 5 - Boolean Operators
Tutorial 6 - Switch Case Statement
Tutorial 7 - Do While Loop
Tutorial 8 - While Loop and For Loop
Tutorial 9 - Using 'break' keyword in loops
Tutorial 10 - Starting Arrays
Tutorial 11 - Push, Pop and Elements
Tutorial 12 - More Array Functions and Comparing Two Arrays
Tutorial 13 - Parameters
Tutorial 14 - this and class variables
Tutorial 15 - Aliasing
Tutorial 16 - Sprite
Tutorial 17 - TilingSprite
Tutorial 18 - Creating a Basic Window
Tutorial 19 - Creating a Basic Scene
Tutorial 20 - Plugin: Splash Screen
Tutorial 21 - Menu Backgrounds
Tutorial 22 - Class Variables and Arguments
Tutorial 22.5 - My Variables Don't Show
Tutorial 23 - Sprite Properties
Tutorial 24 - Plugin Commands
Tutorial 25 - Image as Title Commands
Tutorial 26 - instanceof
Tutorial 27 - Using Meta
Tutorial 28 - Party Members
Tutorial 29 - Battle Members
Tutorial 30 - Adding Custom Commands
Tutorial 31 - Adding a Custom Weather Type
Tutorial 32 - Menu Common Events
Tutorial 33 - Heal When Level Up
Tutorial 34 - Variable HUD
Tutorial 35 - Fadein / Fadeout Menu Transition
Tutorial 36 - Sprite Buttons
Tutorial 37 - Date Class
Tutorial 38 - Shutdown Option
Tutorial 39 - Apply vs Call
Tutorial 40 - Sliding Animation
Tutorial 41 - Creating your own Sprite Class
Tutorial 42 - Array Parameters
Tutorial 43 - Objects
Tutorial 44 - Particle System Part 1
Tutorial 45 - Particle System Part 2
Tutorial 46 - Custom Menu System Part 1
Tutorial 47 - Custom Menu System Part 2
Tutorial 48 - Introduction to PIXI.js
Tutorial 49 - PIXI.TwistFilter()
Tutorial 50 - Using JsonEx.parse
Tutorial 51 - Automatic Switch Handling
Tutorial 52 - Pulse Animation
Tutorial 53 - Regular Expressions
Tutorial 54 - Flashing Animation
Tutorial 55 - Class Features
Last edited:

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You my friend are a life saver, I am so gratful for these because it's exactly what I have been waiting for. I have been learning javascript for a while now and all I needed was the video examples/tutorials so I can see how to put what I learned to work in MV. Thank you.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
You're welcome. I will upload the other videos tomorrow night, where some of them features things that you would exactly use to make your own plugins in MV.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Excellent,these should be very useful to me for the next little while, and I am excited to see your newest videos as I'm probably ready to get my hands dirty now. I've also pinned these to the top as they should be fairly popular when we become a more active community.
Thanks again.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
Thanks! I am planning to start with tutorials about Windows, Sprites, etc. They are essential on how to understand drawing any stuff from the screen, and then making them work or anything. I should start scene by scene. For now, it would be the title screen.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer

11 / 12 / 2015 - Added 2 new tutorials, about Sprites and TilingSprites.

Learn how to make images appear on your screen and make them move!
11 / 16 / 2015 - Added 2 new tutorials, about creating a window and a scene.
[doublepost=1448222493][/doublepost]Updated! Enjoy the new episodes! :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Thank you for the new tutorials I been waiting patiently for some new content and now I got it :D Also a special thanks for doing a video on a few of my questions, this helped me quite a bit.
Awesome! This'll help me too. Although I'm quite familiar with JavaScript, it's been a long while since I did anything with it, so with MV finding the JS/JGSS structure is a slow process.


Towns Guard
You have my thanks for this amazing tutorial. While I'm not a new programmer, your tutorial helped me a lot to get along to RPG Maker MV modules while I learn JS. Thanks for the good work.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
Tutorials are now updated.

Learn about Party Members, Battle Members, Adding your custom command and a custom weather type of your liking!


Towns Guard
I've training around a Menu Plugin, and I'm trying to make one just like Chrono Trigger. Actually I don't know if it will look like it, but at least it was very rich experience for me, since I'm new with JS. I successfully made an icon to each option in the command window, but how do I remove the names? I just want the icon to be present there.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I see you updated some more tutorials, I have never gone through them yet but I'm really excited about some of them. Thank you again for doing these tutorials, they have helped me in so many ways, they even give me motivation and confidence. Badass tutorials lol. :D


This is truly amazing what you are doing here. Just gotta say thank you very much for taking the time to do these. I'm only on tutorial #20 but I feel like I have learned so much.