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RMMV - Parameter-based success chance


Hi there, you beautiful people!

I hope this hasn't been asked yet and I just missed it.
I'd like to make happen the following;

If X<Y; success

X = random number between 0-99
Y = (A/(A+B)) * 100
A = relevant Parameter (ATT, DEF, MAT, etc...) of the character as #1 in the formation
B = the difficulty value of the act

For example, if a character with DEF 50 would be trying to make a DEF-check against the difficulty of 100;
Y = (50/(50+100)) * 100 = (50/150) * 100 = 33.33333... ergo
if X<34, success

My question is, how should I go about making that?
I'm already tracking the ID of the character in #1 as a part of my system managing outfit graphic updates.
Also, how do I ensure numbers like 1/3 are rounded to full numbers when presenting them to the player? I'm thinking the whole shebang is probably best to build using the Script... -event command, but I'm a bit lacking in my Programmer skill tree.

Thanks yous!


Towns Guard
I covered something similar on the forum today, thread's called "Probability of Success with Events", sure you can find it easy enough.

As for rounding, I believe variables are rounded down by default.

Getting the stats of the first character in the party would work best setting it with a script.
event->control variables->choose variable->set->script->$$gameParty._actors[0]).def

def at the end can be switched out with any of the following to get the desired parameter:
agi, atk, cev, cnt, cri, def, eva, exr, fdr, grd, hit, hp, hrg, level, luk, mat, mcr, mdf, mdr, mev, mhp, mmp, mp, mrf, mrg, pdr, pha, rec, tcr, tgr, tp, trg

I think I'll play around with writing a plugin for this now...


Thank you so much, Run. The $gameParty._actors[0] will definitely prove useful to know.
I think I got what I wanted working now. It's not necessarily the most beautiful piece of work, but at this point it doesn't really need to be, anyway.
Good luck with the plugin; looking forward to it ;)


This is awesome!

It seems like that if I store a difficulty into a variable, this does exactly what I need with just

tmp_check 1 def*100/(def+var1) p1

def 50
var1 100

5000/150 = 33.3333...

and much, much more.
I'll definitely give it a good look-see tomorrow.
You are awesome.
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