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[RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?


Hey guys!
So I guess the title says it all. I was continuing the creation of my game when I wanted to make a secret door or floor which would activate. I first wanted to do it with a wall that disappears, but that didn't actually work at all, so I went for the easy "push the bed and tadaa hole in the floor", but the bed is a 2-parts sprite and the event won't let me select both... I tried editing the image of the bed, but it still won't work, whatever I do!

If you have an answer to this question, please give it, it'll make my day! Have a nice weekend!

The game is going to be called "The Library Fantasy", although I'm not sure if that's a good name for it, so if you have suggestions, feel free to liberate your mind of the weight!


Staff member
Resource Team
Hey guys!
So I guess the title says it all. I was continuing the creation of my game when I wanted to make a secret door or floor which would activate. I first wanted to do it with a wall that disappears, but that didn't actually work at all, so I went for the easy "push the bed and tadaa hole in the floor", but the bed is a 2-parts sprite and the event won't let me select both... I tried editing the image of the bed, but it still won't work, whatever I do!

If you have an answer to this question, please give it, it'll make my day! Have a nice weekend!

The game is going to be called "The Library Fantasy", although I'm not sure if that's a good name for it, so if you have suggestions, feel free to liberate your mind of the weight!
Give the event a graphic, by double clicking the "Image" section on the left.
search for tileset B.


You'll need to make 2 of them, bottom and top part of the bed.

now when you interact with one, just do this:

that's the bottom part of the bed, make sure to uncheck the wait for completion, and check the skip if cannot move

Now make another set move route for the top part of the bed, this time check the wait for completion this time.

Now the bed should move xD


Staff member
Resource Team
Thanks, I'll try that right now!
[doublepost=1481398092,1481397301][/doublepost]Um, I've got bad news... It didn't work.
Sorry then, it should have worked O: make sure the bed layer is set to "same as characters" and not "below characters" :)


Oh ok! xD
[doublepost=1481402303,1481401853][/doublepost]IT WORKED! YIPYYY! well, see you next time, and thank you for the advice, dear sir! x)


Yeah, it did :) Just I needed it on an autorun, and forgot to mention :face_palm_ sry xD
I messed with the system and after a few hours I just used my brain and *sort of* managed to fix the problem, even though I created an infinite loop in the process
so yeah, and I raged and close RMMV. I'll just have to take care of that loop tomorrow! Bye!