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RMMV Halloween Contest!


Staff member
Resource Team

Special thanks to @PandaMaru for making this banner!​

Hello everyone, it's been 2 days after the release of MV, and many of you have already had a chance to get accustomed to the program. As you all may know, halloween is right around the corner, and we're going to go ahead and make a Halloween Contest! You will have 1 week (By the First of November) to make a small game with a Halloween theme behind it.

There are no gameplay requirements other than it being Halloween based.
This must be a brand new project (Not made prior to this)
Must be made using MV

Once you're finished with your game, submit it into the resource section adding [Halloween Submission] in the title. After the First of November, we will give the members another week for the members to play through the games (Possibly longer time depending on how many submissions we have) and vote for the winner!

The winner will get their game featured in the resources for the whole month of November, A free random steam game donated by as well as a Badge for winning!

The 2 runner ups will also receive a smaller Badge.

Happy Game Making!
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Will this contest be a one man army project or can there be teams. Damn you for making this contest, I'm very very tempted to do this.


Staff member
Resource Team
Will this contest be a one man army project or can there be teams. Damn you for making this contest, I'm very very tempted to do this.
Seeing as there won't be many people participating from what I can tell, we're going to stick with individual, plus there is only going to be one game given out this time. There will be bigger prizes in the future :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Seeing as there won't be many people participating from what I can tell, we're going to stick with individual, plus there is only going to be one game given out this time. There will be bigger prizes in the future :D
Okay sounds good. I have until November 1st to decide, so I guess we shall see how things go for me until then. I'll be back if I decide to sign up.