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Ring of Udrai Tutorial



If you're anything like me, you definitely need to brush on on RPG Maker before really delving into MV. On that front, the best tutorial I've ever found was the Ring of Udrai tutorial for VX Ace. It is super in-depth and will give you a good grasp on the basics. Now, I realize that it is for Ace, but the programs are very similar so you can get the basics down. Just have to figure out the little name changes and where things moved. That'll help you learn the program better anyway. I don't think it talks about scripts at all, but that's a good thing since they switched to Javascript. It is just made with basic stuff already in the program. By the way, the tutorial is in no way made by me, just wanted to share it for those who didn't know about it. :-)

Anyways, here's the link. Hope it helps!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've moved this to "Other RM Discussion" even though it will be helpful for MV it's still an Ace tutorial, MV category's are only for MV. Cheers :D


Towns Guard
Thanks for posting this. I used this very tutorial to learn VXAce and it is by far the best I've seen for getting a beginner proficient with RPG Maker.

I have realized the year plus I've not been using RPG Maker has taken it's toll, I'm going to go through this tutorial, and maybe pick up where I left off in Ace before delving more into MV.