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Respawn Player help


I really am stumped when it comes to respawning. I have tried everything to get that pesky game over sign to go away and just spawn at the closest town or last checkpoint or whatever. Does ANYONE know how I could resolve this? It's when the player dies from random encounters I can't figure out. I think battle processing is used for event battles but that's about all of my knowledge on this concept. Please help.


Well that is not exactly what I meant, I meant with random encounters. event battles I can do. With troops and stuff like that I can't get it to not say "Game over" and send the player back to the last save point.


Mmm... I know only "Cathedral System" by SOUL, but I don't know if can change the Revival Map ID with a plugin or a code on game >w< This Plugin it lets go back, once defeated, at a set point.

Alternatively, you could start with a series of events that change depending on the map (or enemy) where you are.

You could use, for example, a conditional branch that, if defeated by a determined enemy that is located in that map (or in the case of same enemies, but in different maps, writing a slot enemy Login ID for each map change) allows you to return to a specific event (the checkpoint, in fact). Once you have interacted with the checkpoint, might dropping a hidden key object not visible from the inventory, but that allows you to activate, thanks to the conditional branching of "if actor 1" + "if an actor 2" + "if an actor 3" + "if you have the key" it allows you to respawn at the point where you got the item. In the end, in practice, you can create virtually unlimited save point which, depending on what monster (or map) die, come back in the given point.

I hope it's been helpful and that can have helped you!

EDIT: Alternatively, you may use the plugin aforementioned SOUL (or HIME_GameOverEvents) and set a map of the destination that you keep covered with a background and where will you do as an event automatically, which will allow you, depending on the commands that you gave, to make various of choices that save point back! This way, you can also choose to go further back, or just before that point or some other type of event ... anything! Unfortunately, I was reminded that to make the various conditional branches with a party, often it is difficult to be able to do the same command "Game Over".

Another EDIT: For fun, you might use some plugin that lets you hide or disable your choices, if you have no particular object. Or to start a certain event with various choices, depending on the conditions met ... * returns to the cloud of smoke *

Aaaand another: Now that I think ... with the save point, you could give the hidden object and delete all other checkpoints objects! And make a parallel event, the map of death through plugin, that brings you at the selected point on the objects you have left from the save point.
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Mmm... I know only "Cathedral System" by SOUL, but I don't know if can change the Revival Map ID with a plugin or a code on game >w< This Plugin it lets go back, once defeated, at a set point.

Alternatively, you could start with a series of events that change depending on the map (or enemy) where you are.

You could use, for example, a conditional branch that, if defeated by a determined enemy that is located in that map (or in the case of same enemies, but in different maps, writing a slot enemy Login ID for each map change) allows you to return to a specific event (the checkpoint, in fact). Once you have interacted with the checkpoint, might dropping a hidden key object not visible from the inventory, but that allows you to activate, thanks to the conditional branching of "if actor 1" + "if an actor 2" + "if an actor 3" + "if you have the key" it allows you to respawn at the point where you got the item. In the end, in practice, you can create virtually unlimited save point which, depending on what monster (or map) die, come back in the given point.

I hope it's been helpful and that can have helped you!

EDIT: Alternatively, you may use the plugin aforementioned SOUL (or HIME_GameOverEvents) and set a map of the destination that you keep covered with a background and where will you do as an event automatically, which will allow you, depending on the commands that you gave, to make various of choices that save point back! This way, you can also choose to go further back, or just before that point or some other type of event ... anything! Unfortunately, I was reminded that to make the various conditional branches with a party, often it is difficult to be able to do the same command "Game Over".

Another EDIT: For fun, you might use some plugin that lets you hide or disable your choices, if you have no particular object. Or to start a certain event with various choices, depending on the conditions met ... * returns to the cloud of smoke *

Aaaand another: Now that I think ... with the save point, you could give the hidden object and delete all other checkpoints objects! And make a parallel event, the map of death through plugin, that brings you at the selected point on the objects you have left from the save point.
Well what I am trying to get at is something like the game pokemon as an example, you lose a match or something then it sends you to a point on a map, but not a save point with data, the player will still have the same stuff they did when they died in the battle. Lets say the player died in a random encounter, then they would appear in an inn or something that heals them. Sorry if you got that, but I didnt quite understand some of what you were saying with the save points.


Praised Adventurer
@andermon ...

I can't give a definitive answer, but maybe have a starting point for you..? All Random Encounters are with Troops, which you have defined. One way of avoiding the 'Game Over' end of a Battle with such a Troop is to have, in the 'Turn 0' Event, the Script call: BattleManager._canLose = true. I'm not sure exactly what happens at end of Battle (I'll see about doing some trials tomorrow, if I can...), but the Party will no longer suffer a 'Game Over'; the Game will continue.
Try it yourself to see if it inspires..? I'll report back if I can get the Party to be transferred as you seem to want. Don't hold your breath, though; I may not succeed.


@andermon I got lost a bit in speeches, actually ... I explain more concisely!

Take example of two save-point. These two will be the ones in which you can return once the party is defeated. The first save point, once there you'll have "talked", will leave a "red key" without obtaining window and simply as a key hidden object, so it can not be used or seen. The second save point, however, you will leave you a "blue" key. Using one of two plugins which I have mentioned in the previous message, once the party is defeated it will be transported to a preset map. In this map you can create a series of events that will allow you, even without clicking anything, to teleport to the last save point you talked. How? You can create a parallel event / automatic event, depending on what is in your inventory, directs you to one side or the other. If you have the "red key," you will go to the first save point; if you have the "blue key" to the second. To solve the problem of having more "keys" at the same time, you can put, in addition to the event of obtaining the "key" to a save point, which will eliminate any "key" from the inventory(
excluding that used to go back there). If you set 5 "keys" in the whole game, the save point will donate the "key" that is used to return to that specific point and will eliminate all other -riottenibili talking with another save point and the same slightly above procedure.

I hope I was a bit more clear with this explanation / example! >w<


@andermon I got lost a bit in speeches, actually ... I explain more concisely!

Take example of two save-point. These two will be the ones in which you can return once the party is defeated. The first save point, once there you'll have "talked", will leave a "red key" without obtaining window and simply as a key hidden object, so it can not be used or seen. The second save point, however, you will leave you a "blue" key. Using one of two plugins which I have mentioned in the previous message, once the party is defeated it will be transported to a preset map. In this map you can create a series of events that will allow you, even without clicking anything, to teleport to the last save point you talked. How? You can create a parallel event / automatic event, depending on what is in your inventory, directs you to one side or the other. If you have the "red key," you will go to the first save point; if you have the "blue key" to the second. To solve the problem of having more "keys" at the same time, you can put, in addition to the event of obtaining the "key" to a save point, which will eliminate any "key" from the inventory(
excluding that used to go back there). If you set 5 "keys" in the whole game, the save point will donate the "key" that is used to return to that specific point and will eliminate all other -riottenibili talking with another save point and the same slightly above procedure.

I hope I was a bit more clear with this explanation / example! >w<
Well I understand, but I dont want the players to have to remember to save before a big battle and then lose their stuff they gained before the battle if they forgot. I only want them to have to save before they quit the game.(or a random battle they accidently die from then lose entire progress from which they resumed the game.)


Not sure if this may work, but you could possibly use variables and a choice+conditional branch list to create this effect.
Whenever the player enters a town or reaches a checkpoint, have a variable hold the map id of said town or checkpoint and an additional variable holding the player's position (not sure if these are combined or not for use in only one variable).
Then for battles, allow for losses. For the 'if lose' conditional branch, put in a 'Return to Last Checkpoint/Town''option for the player to choose if they'd like, along with any other possible choices. Under that branch, set a transition and transfer the player using the ids/locations held in the variable(s). If you want it to be automatic, then only put the transition and transfer underneath the 'if lose' branch. Hopefully that should work.

I personally haven't played around with this, but I believe it should work. If not, it might at least help you figure this out in some way. Good luck!