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Requesting Assistance With Parallax Mapping

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Staff member
I am using a 31 X 21 map for a certain part of the project. Since characters are 48 X 48, I thought I should I should make a 1488 X 1008 parallax map. when looking at the screen editor, it looks like it is supposed to. When I game test, the house and player character are in the wrong places. Here are some screenshots. I did a lot of parallax mapping with VX Ace. Maybe I forgot a step. Also, my character does not take any steps. She can change directions, but cannot move.

SOLVED : The solution for the parallax map to line up is to save the map png with a " ! " at the very beginning.

SOLVED : Getting the character to move. I used an invisible graphic with a "o" for movability, and that allowed walking all over the place. Was this the proper way?


Playing the Game...

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Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
You need the images / parallax to be overlayed. When you parallax map, grounds usually are separated before the trees, etc. The ground map, should get its collision from the inivisible impassable tiles. The tree and shadow layers should be added after. You can't do this naturally in MV, that's the reason why I made a plugin to achieve the overlays and overheads.



Staff member
Not sure what you are asking? are you asking how to move an event or to move the player with an event?
Thanks eivl. The reason why I put the question mark, was that it solved the issue, but I was curious if it was the optimal or correct way. If no one recommends a better way, I will change it shortly to a non-question mark SOLVED.

You need the images / parallax to be overlayed. When you parallax map, grounds usually are separated before the trees, etc. The ground map, should get its collision from the inivisible impassable tiles. The tree and shadow layers should be added after. You can't do this naturally in MV, that's the reason why I made a plugin to achieve the overlays and overheads.
Thanks Soul. I knew you would probably have a plugin or tutorial to fit this challenge.
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