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REQUEST: How would one do non battle animations


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey and welcome to the forums ^^ Since the sword and stuff are system graphics you could just edit them to the normal sprites and resize them (make both fit somehow). Hope this helps. Anyways have a nice time and see you around~

Alex Skie

Thanks for taking time to comment! But what im looking for is to display weapon animations out of battle, IE When my character triggers a fishing event it shows the rod casting


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
oh yes, that's what I intended to say: you can take the picture of the weapon animation out of the system and make it smaller, place it on the walking spritesheet and you'll have a three frames animation. Sorry in case this wasn't clear enough XD Then you could make an event "set player route"<change sprite<select the one with three frames animation<walking animation on<change sprite back to normal.

Or you take the sv battlers and resize them, place the tools in their hand via photoediting software and save it as walking sprite ;)


How I would put a rod in, I would take the character walking png and edit it with a fishing pole name it fishing png and then use it in the event with either change picture in the moving event or in the event pages. I think though, you could find fishing sprites on I am pretty sure I saw some free to use on that site although it might have been for npcs. (also, you could take the battler png and use the sword swing and just edit in the pole) there is a free to use pyxel edit program that is pretty simple and could make it easy if you have never done anything like that before.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
How I would put a rod in, I would take the character walking png and edit it with a fishing pole name it fishing png and then use it in the event with either change picture in the moving event or in the event pages. I think though, you could find fishing sprites on I am pretty sure I saw some free to use on that site although it might have been for npcs. (also, you could take the battler png and use the sword swing and just edit in the pole) there is a free to use pyxel edit program that is pretty simple and could make it easy if you have never done anything like that before.
Exactly. And for different weapons/tools which are included in the rtp for the battlers could be resized in 48x48 and be used in the same way.
As for the fishing rod there was someone who made a fishing base character and the rod so you could just copy and paste it in gimp or any other photo editing software on to your character sheet :) gonna post the link when I'm back home, got it saved on my laptop somewhere