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Removing Mp Gauge?

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Towns Guard
Hey, I don't have a single clue about scripting and confused on what I should cut in the rpg_winows.js to remove the Mp Gauge. My game doesnt use it so I think it's kinda silly that it is there. Any help would be great!


Towns Guard
Try commenting this.drawActorMP from Window_BattleStatus that should remove it from the battle screen and you'll probably need to comment it out from Window_Status.drawBasicInfo as well so it doesn't show in your status menu.
I can't check right now to see if it works, but I can later if you still need help. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out though!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You can remove all MP bars from all menus with a simple snippet. I would not recommend editing the core code, instead, create a script and place it in the plugins. I made one for you using my template, you don't need to credit me or anything it's just the way I work when scripting for MV, you can edit the code however you like. All this snippet does is exclude the MP bars from being drawn in any window, because all windows call the method from Window_Base. So here you go. Just place in plugin folder and add in plugin manager, then set the option Remove MP Bar to true.

// Version 1.0
* @plugindesc Remove the MP settings from the entire game.
* @author LTN Games
* @param Remove MP Bar
* @desc Removes all MP bars from the menus
* @default true
* @help
(function() {
var LTN = LTN || {};
LTN.PluginName = LTN.PluginName || {};
LTN.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('LTN_RemoveMP');
LTN.Params = LTN.Params || {};
LTN.Params.removeMPBar = String(LTN.Parameters['Remove MP Bar']).toLowerCase();
LTN.oldWindowBase_drawActorMP = Window_Base.prototype.drawActorMp;
Window_Base.prototype.drawActorMp = function(actor, x, y, width) {
  if(LTN.Params.removeMPBar === 'false'){, actor, x, y ,width);
  } else {
    // Do Nothing, don't draw anything


Towns Guard
Here's what I edited in the script.
Mp bar is still showing :(
You said it shouldn't be too hard but all this stuff flies over my head haha.
[doublepost=1451441828,1451441650][/doublepost]@LTN Games Dude, thanks so much (tears) I will try this right now!
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