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"Relik" Plans (So Far)

Hey gang,

I guess it's hypocritical of me to encourage everyone to post something of their story and game info, but withhold myself. Even though it makes me nervous to do so, I have to believe more good will come of this than harm.

"Relik" is a classic 2D RPG with a focus on rich story and character development surrounding six main party members. It will have a basic battle system, numerous side quests and secrets, and a few (slightly) story-altering decisions. Dungeons will heavily involve interactive methods (finding switches, breaking open holes, etc.) rather than monster fighting, as monster encounters will not be random, but rather based on contact with field avatars. Magic is a rare art, but has been carried on in minor forms such as Geomancy and Songspells (Summoning). Classes do progress (ex. Tinker > Mechanic), but can be toggled between depending on what the user chooses, resulting in a fair span of available class combinations.

My estimate is it can last anywhere from 5hrs powering through, to 15hrs for 100% playthrough. Though the game explores four continents/eight towns + several dungeons, there are another four towns and a handful of dungeons for side quests and extra lore/character background info. My goal is to make a game that could be quick and playable on a mobile device, but also long and extensive enough for a PC/Mac version where you'd sit and play for hours on end.

It begins in the quiet woods where a hunter, Deo, stands at a grave. All of a sudden, a young girl, Sala, comes screaming onto the scene; she's being pursued by several soldiers who, Deo notes, have a strange scent about them. Deo reluctantly helps her (she's kind of a brat - nobility and all) and the two escape to a safe town nearby. Sala explains that her loud-mouthing got her father, one of the king's top advisers, in trouble; such trouble, that he was taken away, and she would have been too had he not helped her escape. Deo, not one for this drama, agrees to watch over her for the night as she thinks of what to do next, only because Sala reminds him of a familiar someone...

Unfortunately, that night, a silent enemy has come to take her back; only with the help of a stranger - a money-hungry soldier (Yojinba) - does the party free Sala before she's taken away. Yojinba offers her services (at a price), but Deo and Sala are headed to the other side of the continent, through the caverns, to hopefully reduce the frequency of Sala's kidnappings. While heading through the caverns, the familiar scent from the beginning comes back, only now it's on every monster they're fighting. Something fishy's going on...

The story continues surrounding Sala's return to her kingdom, as well as Deo's secret (remember the grave?), and much, much more. The adventure later includes a quiet, misanthropic alchemist (Ko), a cursed but loyal captain (Benedict), and an egocentric child mastermind (Sleug). No character in the end is quite like they were in the beginning.

Everything in the game is based on Swedish names and medieval terms. The story is finished (after three weeks!) and I'm reviewing it in its entirety this week for consistency and flow. Any feedback on these details so far would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time, community. o///o
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Sounds like you have a fairly big project on your hands and it sounds like it will be entertaining. I am eager to hear more of the story. Right now I'm not sure what kind of feedback I can give you as I'm unsure what the story will be be, but from the character ideas you have, it seems they will make a good story.I will be watching this thread to see how this all progresses.
Sounds like you have a fairly big project on your hands and it sounds like it will be entertaining. I am eager to hear more of the story. Right now I'm not sure what kind of feedback I can give you as I'm unsure what the story will be be, but from the character ideas you have, it seems they will make a good story.I will be watching this thread to see how this all progresses.
You're right, I'll post more story; I just didn't want an initial post that was over five paragraphs long. I'll expand a bit once I'm done with class and back home.