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Reflection - A Narrative Story RPG


Towns Guard
Reflection Banner.jpg
What is 'Reflection'?

'Reflection' is a fictional story/visual novel. It is being produced to be entered in our forums latest contest/s. 'Reflection', is a WIP game and is based around one sole character; in fact - 'Reflection' - is her story...

Who is 'Reflection' about?
'Reflection' is about a girl named Aria. She's just your average girl, lives in a normal village, has a few close friends, does normal in school, does not have too many problems or enemies. Well, all but one. Her biggest, most problematic enemy of all...
Aria is Blind.

She's been this way her entire life; she has but one wish...

To see her Reflection.


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Features (Planned)
- A detail-rich, immersive story
- Original Soundtrack/s throughout
- Many paths to choose... how will yours end?
- A story that'll live forever! Once Aria's Journey is completed, players will be able to carry on with their journey with free-will, perhaps they will be able to make their own characters and join in the adventure?
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