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Recruting Minds for my Project: Essentiae et Nihili


Okay, so... I had been working on a project for about a week before my computer dropped and the HDD was damaged. Within a week or two I will get it back from Geek Squad ready to go, and I'll have to redo my work, which was luckily only a week's worth of lost data, but the following is what I created:

Title for Time Being: Essentiae et Nihili

- a system for detecting when the player enters and leaves a map that is supposed to be dark, determines his degree of vision in darkness, and darkens the screen accordingly. It allows the use of torches and light spells to start a timer, with which the area will be lightened, before another light item must be used. if the player cannot see adequately, he will battle with the Sightless condition, which is a permanent blindness in effect so long as light spell, torch item, or dark vision are not activated. This system was fully functional, developed for cave maps that require resources and speed to travel through, before darkness sets in and the player most likely is unable to see how to get out and will die in battles.

- a system for alotting a prescribed amount of points to non-combat skills, for the time being referred to as skillsets: only the following were incorporated in various events: athletics, academia, and survival. I had considered adding security, stealth, and speech, but had not yet.
--athletics, if high enough, allows jumping from ledges only a tile apart. if not high enough, the player is prompted to consider the consequences. Based on luck, the character may fall if he proceeds, which can result in minor set backs and even death. if the score is too low, the attempt cannot be made. other athletic type events were to be considered
--academia, if high enough, objects interacted with in the world will provide the variant descriptions. Narrations of the environment would provide the variant text. Knowledge therein hints at where to find secrets, weak points of enemies nearby, and other things that a reading player might find novel. Furthermore, books can be found to study for an amount of time equal to a number of exp earned correlated to the academia score; higher scores mean less exp gained will result in the study finished, and lesser scores will result in needing more exp, or even the inability to study the book at all. Completed volumes may add magic skills or other bonuses or abilities. Other ideas were in the works but not worked on
--survival, if high enough, interaction with items like herbs, animals, rivers, and other natural locations will add options to the descriptive dialog, allowing for instance, a medium score, the ability to harvest three mysterious mushrooms which offer a 25% recovery of mana at the 50% risk of causing poisoning; or, at a high enough score, the ability to toss out the poisonous strains, and instead take 1 dose of magical mushroom, with 100% mana recovery and no chance of poison. Other things I was going to do was have campfires trigger an event that lets the player use spoils from defeated enemies to create other items, but hadn't started that.

--stealth, might possibly decrease encounter rates and allow town homes to be entered, for looting. Low stealth would trigger an event that stopped the player from successfully doing so maybe?
--security, breaking electronic locks and other tech related things.
-- speech, possibly dialog options and decreased prices?

--Aside from that, most of what I had worked on was providing rich narration and varied text for varied circumstances, as described above. I make it so that everything can be interacted with. The western style P&P RPG descriptions are used quite commonly. I am a pretty decent writer.

--I had worked out key items that can be used to access hidden areas, like in Zelda games; specifically, I made a pick axe that can break through cave walls with slightly visible cracks.

--I was using the yanfly plugins for the ATB side view battle system. I had altered it to present four colored bars, labeled Health, Mana, Surge, and Turn. Surge uses the TP of the standard battle system, erases them at the end of battle, and charges them based on actions. They can be used to trigger a Synapse Surge for 100 points (full bar), which has a character based effect -- none of which were defined.
-- Guard was changed to Focus, which charges Surge and increases vulnerability.

-- no characters were written
-- no story was decided upon
-- no custom artwork was created
-- pretty much nothing was worked on aside from programming new systems and modifying existing ones.
-- the story is nil at this point except for that I know there will be themes of 1) social unrest and ideological extremes at war, 2) a questioning of the certainty of knowledge, 3) general existential, post-modern, modern, and metamodern notions clashing, 4) a choice to align with the right wing, the left wing, or to align with a neutral entity; as well as a choice to permanently prevent the cycle of life or to ensure its persistence upon the end of the world.

-- create original tilesets, artworks, character sprites, and so forth
-- create original music files, sound effects, and multimedia things.
-- parallax mapping

-- writing in elevated style, more like a book than a 32 bit video game
-- building scenarios, cutscenes, systems, and otherwise through events and common events, as well as all the various parameters of the event and all of the three tabs of functions
-- I am a novice of programming, and I am familiar with Ruby, PHP,, and less so of Visual Basic and C++, and I can read the latter easily enough and modify code, but can write the former a little better. I am still needing to take a class on Javascript now that I've converted to MV, but I am easily able to pick that up. I have never written my own scripts for plugins, but I have written many PHP scripts for websites and such.
-- in a week, I completed the above to functionality described, so...

-- designing maps that are cool and original, and not copying other peoples ideas in order to do so, but I am at least capable.

-- opportunity to develop skills as a programmer and game developer with others who can compensate for my lacking skils, and also develop their skills in the process, under a team of enthusiasts who work on the projects as a hobby, for fun, and not be paid.
-- other programmers and scripters and event designers welcomed.
-- artists needed desperately, visual and audio
-- conceptual design; story, characters, locations, and the like, I am certainly in need of help with creating (as, I have been far more focused on the programming aspect than the story writing) however, for aesthetic integrity and consistency, I would most likely be the lead writer of the narrations, descriptions, dialogue, and so forth, unless someone else meshes with me well enough to contribute.
---- as for idea people: I need you to be familiar ideally with European philosophies, art, and the clash between modernism and postmodernism. If you can talk about existential notions or nihilistic absurdity and present these themes, you are needed. If you cannot, we may not blend well.

That is a summary of what's going on. I'll probably be back on here in the next week, but no later than Nov 7th 2016 when I get my laptop back.

I'm not sure if we'll mesh perfectly, but let's try. Various skill levels welcome, as I am pretty novice myself in spite of knowing probably more than a lot of people whose games I've seen.

REPLY OR INBOX ME if you're interested, or wait until I finish my first demo (or maybe our first demo?) Any assistance on the project would at first be name in the credits without ownership of the project, but hopefully I can find people to partner up with, if we match each other that well.

Let me know what you're good at.

And, would you prefer to do: Cyberpunk, steampunk, traditional fantasy, or space fiction settings? I am leading towards cyberpunk and/or steampunk.

Idea 1: Four main characters with intro stories, all of which converge at some point and result in a choice between which characters to keep.

Starting main character MC1 chooses a faction, after being asked questions about his values and ideals. He is also aligned as either an agent of substance of of nothingness. This will play into the various choices that should come. His class is Strategist. His party members are cybernetic super soldier vanguard, failed test subject anamoly mutant with mind powers called neuromancy, and drug addicted reconnaissance specialist who is both a shrapshooter and a stealth expert, with the help of his chems.

MC2 is a hacker, security expert, ex-NetSec system admin turned revolutionary and expatriate when, regulation of the setting's virtual reality Internet forces him out of a shut in lifestyle of digital existence, and forces him into the world; instead of enforcing the law as a netsec officer should, he rebels. Maybe he is fat or unhealthy or otherwise unfit for non digital living. His story takes places almost completely in the virtual Internet, where his party members are just program applications with avatars that he can develop. Along with his avatar, he fights with three others who may be chosen or picked or designed somehow yet decided on specifics.

MC3 and 4 to come. I have ideas for both, but no time to write them. Will be back. Feel free to offer advice or ideas.
[doublepost=1477231244,1477223278][/doublepost]From phone...
MC3 is an engineer and pilot of drones. His party consists of actually space and or aerial battle and may or may not be possible for me to get sprites for such.

MC4 is a strategist class of the opposite faction as MC1. His party is a sentinel guardian class, a medic healer class, and another character.

I can't describe in detail but when these MCs collide there will be eight standard PCs... one of which will die, plus two scenario characters and their AI programs or droid unit, making for combinations abd three variations of battle
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