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Recruitment: Secrets of the Vairfey


Resident Dragon
Hi Folks!

For some time now, I've been developing a concept for a game that aims to play similar to games like FFIII, Dragon Quest, Zelda, The 7th Saga, etc. It doesn't have a title yet, hence why it's called the Working Title project. Haha. :)

EDIT: Current working title is "Secrets of the Vairfey" :D

I'm fairly new to RPG Maker in general and I know I am horrible when it comes to scripting, coding and managing plugins. Map creation, story, character development and the like are my strong points, and, while I have some folks assisting me in those areas, I don't have anyone to assist me with coding, events, scripts, etc.

Although plugins tend to have detailed help files, I still get very easily lost with how to actually use them effectively.

So this is why I'm asking if anyone would like to assist me with my project and its development.

Specifically, I'm looking for the following:
  • 2 to 3 persons that are reasonably familiar with MV coding, scripts, events and plugins
    • 1/3 Spots Filled
  • 1 to 2 persons to assist with the story and dialogue scripts.
    • 0/3 Spots Filled
  • 2 to 3 persons to assist with the creation of music, maps and graphics.
    • 2/3 Spots Filled (Music)
    • 0/2 Spots Filled (Mapping)
    • 0/3 Spots Filled (Graphics)
In addition, I'm also open to suggestions
For anyone who is interested, you can view the concept of the project here: &

Once I have finished writing up the general blurb for the game, I'll update this post.

Thanks guys in advance!

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You can count me in with helping on the coding depertment. I can setup plugins integrate with events create plugins etc. The creation of plugin's will have to be low on priority list, though unless they're simple. Anyway, you're helping me and I can offer you my assistance in return.


Resident Dragon
You can count me in with helping on the coding depertment. I can setup plugins integrate with events create plugins etc. The creation of plugin's will have to be low on priority list, though unless they're simple. Anyway, you're helping me and I can offer you my assistance in return.
Thanks LTN :3


Hello Lore,

This sounds like a fun projects :) I would like to help you with the story and dialoge scripts. I can also do some mapping if you would like that.

I'm new to this community, but not new to RPG maker and I know my way around the program. I'm hoping to gain some experience in working on a project like this on a community like this because I want to do something like this myself later; (and it sounds like fun)

Let me know how I can help :)


Resident Dragon
Hello Lore,

This sounds like a fun projects :) I would like to help you with the story and dialoge scripts. I can also do some mapping if you would like that.

I'm new to this community, but not new to RPG maker and I know my way around the program. I'm hoping to gain some experience in working on a project like this on a community like this because I want to do something like this myself later; (and it sounds like fun)

Let me know how I can help :)
Hey @Shineypawn

I'm always happy to get help, so I'll add you to the respective chats :) Thank you :)


I can tell that a lot of thought and dedication's been put into this project and its story, concepts, and ideas. It's truly reassuring to see and it seems like this will be quite the game when it's complete, having so much hard work put into it. If possible, I'd love to help with the game's development. I could draw portrait art as well as cgs maybe.


Resident Dragon
I can tell that a lot of thought and dedication's been put into this project and its story, concepts, and ideas. It's truly reassuring to see and it seems like this will be quite the game when it's complete, having so much hard work put into it. If possible, I'd love to help with the game's development. I could draw portrait art as well as cgs maybe.
Awesome @DolorIpsum :D I'll add you to the group conversation! :)