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Recruitment for Silence


Lord of Memes
Silence is designed to be a very atypical RPG. It features no elemental system, heavy focus on stat re-balance through equipment, and planning your turn based on a the speed of your party and the effects of skills.

For more info on silence, you can view the main thread here:

I'm looking for assistance with this project. Parallax mappers, tileset creators, story writers (for feedback) or even just playtesters. Any and all assistance will be much appreciated in helping my first game become a reality <3

If you are interested, feel free to message me. Replying to this thread will likely get you a message from me too :)

Thank you, all!


Resident Dragon
I can assist with feedback on your story, as well as playtesting. I'm still learning Parallax Mapping so no point just yet in putting my abysmally large hand up for that. ;)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I looked at the main thread and I have to say that it caught my interest. I'm interested in hearing the story and I will be happy to give you my thoughts on it.