Indie Dev

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Rebel's Sunrise

Bizarre Monkey

This will be my final entry. My final post.

You likely know the reasons I'm leaving, and I don't feel like repeating myself just so I can get banned for calling out the administration on being filth, again.

So here's my final ode. I don't want to leave on a negative note with anyone but those who know they deserve it, this is not devoted to them, and dare they look, feel free to look the other way, this optimistic praise is not for you, as you disgust and sadden me, you pitiful, wretched creature.

The course I'm attending is becoming top priority, getting temporarily banned was a good thing, really. It meant I wouldn't be distracted further by this place. But I want all ye members, artists and alike to know you aren't the reason I am choosing to leave, in fact it's heartbreaking that some of you and I may never speak again, that said, should you wanna get in touch, my sig has things which will lead you to me.

So, what does the title refer to? Well, my latest art piece.

Rebel's Sunrise

I drew it unrelated to any of the drama that happened here, but I figured afterwards when heavily weighing up this places worth, that it was a good emotional representation of how I feel both leaving this place, and moving forwards to others. This music also inspired that sort of vibe.

I often do take the role of a rebel, the fighter for what is right, not what is easy. But it's no news to anyone this site isn't going anywhere uphill, and I've done all one can possibly do, it's not worth the stress or time, and there is nothing else for me here. It's time to throw away the revolutionist's gig (represented by the bomb) and move forward towards a brighter future.

This piece is the first in which I've made the lighting dynamic both on the shading and color as in the actual linework as well, as a result it looks pretty stunning.

I may post around here in very small doses, but consider my time on this site virtually over.

I've had a good time, despite the ups and downs, even the eventual failure to change anything for the better, I have enjoyed the company of this site's members and the tolerance shown for my less-than-typical behaviors.

Fare ye well all. May we meet and cross paths in a future elsewhere, but my path here has ended, it leads to lands anew-- you can follow me if you like, but I leave that up to you.​


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
It's sad to see you finally leave. It was always fun with you here. But I respect your decision and can understand. All that happened was heartbreaking in the end and a bit messed up. When being in this forum isn't fun anymore and you invest your time in it then it's not completely for nothing, keep that in mind. When all you're friends moved elsewhere you can of course follow them and have fun with them.
It was always fun with you. Hope you'll be fine and I really like that picture (the shading and the colors are stunning).

Just don't remember the depressing things here but remember the good time you had :)