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Realistic Shop System


Towns Guard
Before I start, i'm not entirely sure where to post this so if this has to be moved or whatever my bad.

I wanted to know if there was a way to make a more realistic shop system where you (the player) go to a shelf in the shop, grab the item(s) of interest then go to the counter to checkout. I think this can be done by using a bunch of Variables and Switches but again, i'm not too sure how to go about implementing it.
The reason why I want my shop system set up this way is because in my game, my main character is a thief and I wanted to have a mini-game that would require him to sneak out of the store with stolen goods without being noticed by the people around him and such.

I've looked around a bit but still no luck. I'm not too sure if what i'm asking is or isn't possible through RPGMV defaults or though a plugin but if it isn't, I can provide more information on how the system would work in the event anyone would wish to make a plugin out of this.


Towns Guard
How so if you don't mind me asking? If it's able to be done through Eventing then I don't really mind putting forth a little extra work. My thing is I don't really have any ideas on how to go about setting this system up so if I can at least have a start then that would be great! :)