Indie Dev

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Ready For A CONTEST?


Staff member
It has been a while since we have had a contest. We are looking for your input.

WHY? The answer to that is why make a contest that many may not be interested in.

We will make badges for the next contest. If it is a game making contest, I was thinking of possibly having various "BEST _______" categories.

The communities input is very important. The staff is help make this forum, the best that it can be, and that is why your input is so important.

If you have contest prizes, please PM me.

Have an awesome day.


Staff member
That sounds like it could be a great idea, what do you have in mind as far as themes go?
Thanks for that question CeroZero. I am open to a variety of themes. I am also open to themes that we may not have thought of before. I would like to see four seasonal themes, as well as others. Possible themes include, but are not limited to: Super Retro, Puzzle-Based RPG, Fairy-Based, Unexpected Hero (An Orcish Knight, for example (wink) ), etc. I am also looking at what themes, you, the members, are looking for. This is a community. Why should contest ideas come just from staff members?


Staff member
Resource Team
We could have a best WIP concept. Where people who enter share their WIP thread, and the game with the best concept wins. We haven't done it before, and it'll allow people the ability to share their hard work, and get their game noticed quicker.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I hope music is going to be accepted too. Since I mainly make resources in the form of musical tidbits and not really games it has been hard for me to enter in a contest on here so far.


I like the thought of having a WIP contest. What about a resource contest? What I mean is a contest that showcases the resources that everyone on here works hard on. It could go something like this: Make a map using at least one free/paid resource from the forum. The winner could be best use of .... Don't know if that would be something anyone would be interested in or not, just my thoughts.


Staff member
Nice, but yikes! it's going to be difficult around all the other overly skilled people here (confused)
In my experience, it is better to be a participant and learn from the experience than to be an outside viewer. I have seen members with different skill levels win and place within our different contests.