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readme for kadokawa plugins?

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Towns Guard
sup fellas/fellarinas, anyone know of a concise readme that lists all the base plugins and explains what the hell they do? lmao the readme is in JP, and my kanji is a bit rusty from the last time i committed seppuku.

basically just looking for a text doc that has a sentence or two explaining the purpose of some of these.

if doesnt exist, i'll just list some that i'm wondering about below, and we can make a downloadable resource for future reference. thanks in advance!

plugins needing clarification:
- Gacha(and GachaBook)
- NovelMessage
- BattlebackScroll
- BattleVoice
- DeadOrAliveItem
- EventSelector
- Foreground
- KeyItemAlone
- KeyItemNumber
- LastSubjectActor
- MenuSubMember
- NewItemScene
- NumbState
- OuterSelfSwitch

I didn't scroll down... More:
- OverpassTile
- PictureWipe
- PlayMsgWndCharSE
- SimpleMsgSideView
- TextDecoration
- TinyGetInfoWnd
- WeaponSkill
- WindowChange
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Typically, more notably shown with third party plugins like YEP, the plugin names are fairly self explanatory in themselves. All of these KADOKAWA plugins I wont be able to know for sure without throwing them into a dummy project and poking around, but here is a short, tentative explanation of some of them I can surmise from the names:

BattlebackScroll: gives you control over positioning of the battleback images in battle scenes, likely similar to parallax scrolling on the map editor

BattleVoice: gives options for voice-acted lines during battle; similar effect to what is found in a Tales game, perhaps?

NewItemScene: One that I know for sure. Changes the layout of the Item Menu, effectively overwriting Scene_Item in MV's core JS. Yanfly's Item Core plugin does this better than NewItemScene, though, with extension plugins that just enhance the YEP core that much more.

OverpassTile: sounds like more options for the map editor, to make some tiles exist in a higher layer than the player and event sprites on the map

PlayMsgWndCharSE: Also one I know 100%. This one will allow you to define an SE file from your database to use for the message windows, playing that sound at a set interval as the text displays in your windows. post prominent current example would be the Phoenix Wright games. Again, Yanfly's plugins will do this better, and likely with more control.

SimpleMsgSideView: does things to the messages in sideview battles. In a simple way.

WeaponSkill: allows for skills to be assigned to weapon equipment. Moot point because again, Yanfly.

WindowChange: adds menu options to change the window skin used in the game, similar to what is used in Chrono Trigger or Mother 2/Earthbound

I apologize for not being more concrete with my response here. I'll try to snag the plugins I don't know and throw them into a project and find out what they do exactly over the next few days. I also (not really) apologize for the shameless namedropping of Yanfly. His plugins are just that fantastic and do a lot more than a lot of similar plugins I've found (at least for what I'm looking for in my project).

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm closing this thread due to being resolved if for any reason you'd like it re-opened report this post and let us know why :)
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