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Questioning about New Rank: 'Partner'

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Cyborg Kiwi
Okay, I've just seen a new Sponsor rank come up called 'Partner'. Can someone explain to me what this is? Is it like Sponsor, or better? Please reply! I would like to know as I am considering partner... ;)

Edit: Sorry, I didn't know where to put this so I just put to General Discussion. Tell me if I should move this somewhere else :)


Staff member
I changed the "Suggestions &Feedback" forum to "Suggestions, Feedback, and Help" and moved the thread there.

I can't answer your question. @Xyphien will have to. I'm not sure if the Partner gets the same rewards as the Sponsor.


Cyborg Kiwi
I changed the "Suggestions &Feedback" forum to "Suggestions, Feedback, and Help" and moved the thread there.

I can't answer your question. @Xyphien will have to. I'm not sure if the Partner gets the same rewards as the Sponsor.
Thanks for the move! Okay, that's alright. I'll wait for Xyphien as I need him to do something for me anyways! Cheers!

Edit: Also, thanks for renaming the forum. Makes things more clear. ;)
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Staff member
Resource Team
Sponsor is slightly better as it's a monthly payment of $5 and helps out the forum a lot more, whilst being a partner is $15 a year. Partner is also made for when people who have a HUGE amount of followers/subscribers/etc. give a shout out to us, or partner with us. Such as @TheUnproPro for example :)


Cyborg Kiwi
Sponsor is slightly better as it's a monthly payment of $5 and helps out the forum a lot more, whilst being a partner is $15 a year. Partner is also made for when people who have a HUGE amount of followers/subscribers/etc. give a shout out to us, or partner with us. Such as @TheUnproPro for example :)
Ah, so Partner doesn't have the same rewards as Sponsor then?


Staff member
Resource Team
Ah, so Partner doesn't have the same rewards as Sponsor then?
It's a slight difference, but over time It'll be more noticable. For example, Sponsor has unlimited images in your signature *Which I hope people don't abuse* whilst partner only allows 4, and regular members only have 2. There will be Sponsor only rewards more often than Partner, and of course both at times. Stuff like this.


Cyborg Kiwi
It's a slight difference, but over time It'll be more noticable. For example, Sponsor has unlimited images in your signature *Which I hope people don't abuse* whilst partner only allows 4, and regular members only have 2. There will be Sponsor only rewards more often than Partner, and of course both at times. Stuff like this.
Ah, thanks for the help! You can mark this thread as Solved ;)
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