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Push Them Away - A Visual Novel


Towns Guard
Before I begin, let me explain the reasons behind this game's creation. If you wish to just dive right in and read, feel free to skip this part.

"Push Them Away" is a visual novel that is aimed at explaining and deepening the understanding of mental health and emotion. Something I personally feel needs to be talked about. Mental Health is a major part of society and our lives, but we often don't talk about it and fail to understand it. Now of course, not all mental heath conditions are the same, so this is mainly based on personal experience and outlook since I myself have recently been diagnosed with a condition called PDD-NOS/Atypical Autism.

"Push Them Away" is a Visual Novel, more of a story than a game (though I figured MV would be the easiest thing for me to create it with, hence why I am posting about this here) it's theme and story are based on how certain people view and understand the world and around mental health and emotion.

It most likely will not have choices, simply because I feel that it would take away the game's feel, I'm unsure as to why I feel that, but that's just the way it is...

Every element of "Push Them Away" will be all my original work, from the images and story line to the music. The art style for this game is monochromatic, as once again, I felt colour would deter from the feel of the game.

To Be Continued... (Hopefully :D)