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Publishing to Game Portals


Praised Adventurer
Does anyone have any plans to publish their projects to game portals such as Kongregate or Game Jolt?

I've always wanted to make something and put it on one of those sites and use their API's to provide achievements and other things that I enjoy as a regular user.


My game Reaper a changing world Is on gamejolt (well a demo). Once I finish it, it will be on the site with achievements through the api.

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
Big Yup From Me, Both Game Jolt & Kongregate Heck Even Newgrounds. Mostly My Free / Fan Made Games Though :P as you know why ..... o.o
also implementing the achievements would be another fun thing.

the problem is

so many game ideas. which to go with. what idea to invent.
to be or not to be.

help me!


Once I finish my first MV game I pretend to sell it on Google Store.

Probably, later, I will try to port it to PC with some improvements and try to sell it on Steam.

Bizarre Monkey

Does anyone have any plans to publish their projects to game portals such as Kongregate or Game Jolt?

I've always wanted to make something and put it on one of those sites and use their API's to provide achievements and other things that I enjoy as a regular user.
I have published games to gamejolt 4 times in the past. I just left achievements out.

I think adding some achievements would be cool.