Indie Dev

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Project D.S.S.

Professor VX

"Project D.S.S." is the title of my future game. The software I will be using will be RPG Maker MV.
- Bleak City
- The Marshes
- Flame/Aqua/Earthy/Venom/Electric/Freeze/Arial/Dark Lair
Characters (1/3 complete)
- Germain
- Greg
- Drake
- Lucy
Germain is the alpha out of the twelve. He's serious and keeps them on track. Very trustworthy. Greg is silly and goofs off a lot. He's Germain's best friend and very loyal to him. Drake is loud and likes it that way. Lies, frequently, but admits it was a lie afterwards. Lucy looks like a harmless little girl in distress, but is the most violent out of all of them. With quotes like "Last one there's a rotten egg! In other words, a dead chicken!" and mood changes within seconds and then restore back to normal.

Not much is finished about the game. For instance, the twelve characters aren't even finished. This is the official thread for "Project D.S.S." and will be updated frequently.

Keep gamin'!(cheeky)

Professor VX

Some more information about the game is ready to be released.
- D.S.S. stands for dodeca savior squad
- The enemies go by D.D.S. (intended to sound similar) and it stands for dodeca demon squad
- There are several different endings to the game
- The first demon you face is called "Herion"
- The D.S.S. are ultra cops that protect the city that started as a secret project

Not much is finished about the game. For instance, the twelve characters aren't even finished. This is the official thread for "Project D.S.S." and will be updated frequently.

Keep gamin'!(cheeky)