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Problem with Parallax Map


Towns Guard
Hi, I think this is the right forum for this question, if not please feel free to correct me, and/or move this thread.

I have an area, 25 x 25, called "!Kayas_Hideout". I used OrangeMapShot to get the base image, loaded it into Photoshop and worked on it. I created my overlay layer and saved it as "par4", since the map ID is "004". Then I started a new 25 x 25 map, used "!Kayas_Hideout" as the Parallax Background, and put "<par>" in the notes.

When I run the game, I get this:

As you can see, on the left and right edges, the image is looping for some reason. This screen resolution is 1280 x 720, and if I go higher with my resolution, the left and right sides show even more of the looped area.

Is the problem that my area is too small for my resolution? I assumed that if I made a small area, RMMV would just put blank (black) space in parts that weren't there.

If the problem is my screen resolution, then I'm guessing all my maps need to be at least 27 x 27 (If I keep 1280 x 720), even if its just a small room? Otherwise I'll get the looping effect?


Staff member
Moved to MV Support. :)

You saved it as "par4"?

Have you tried to save it as !par4?

So both maps are 1200 X 1200 pixels?
Have you "Locked" the map?


Towns Guard
Thanks, MJ, for pointing me to the correct forum.

So, I did as you suggested, and got this error:

After that, I thought maybe I should put <!par4> in the notes area, and when I play my game, I get this:

Which is essentially the same issue I had before. Now, when I go up and down on this map, it goes to the edges and doesn't loop. It's only on the left and right, and the map isn't big enough in those directions to scroll.

Any more ideas for me to try? Or do I need to scrap this map, which amounts to several hours of work :( and start one at 27 x27 and see if I get the same weird looping effect on the edges?


Staff member
When the name of the map is changed, then we must also change the name of the map in the editor. It is looking for images/parallaxes/par4.pgn, so change it to look for images/parallaxes/!par4.png

Right click on specific map properties, and change the name of parallax map looked for.

Is it locked?


Towns Guard
So, after some testing I've discovered that I have to have my areas be at least 27 width or I get the strange looping effect.

When I did 25 x 25, I got the above result.

When I did 26 x 25, I got a result that was similar to the problem above, but slightly different. And when I expanded my area to 27 x 25, it worked correctly. I'm not sure what difference this makes, because I'm super new to parallax mapping, but from here on out I'll make sure all my (parallax) areas are at least 27 in width.

Thanks for the help with this issue.


Staff member
The way I can up with 27 X 25 is that each side appeared to have one grid that was being mirrored. So, I took the 25 and added 2 to it. I do most of my parallax maps with GIMP, and the dimension used, grid base 48 X 48 pixels, work fine with the map editor.