Indie Dev

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Post your music!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Hello everyone. Most forums have a thread like this, so I thought could use one too.
Simple. Post your music and leave feedback for prior people who posted.

  • Follow all forum rules. (Duh.)
  • Leave detailed feedback for prior musicians/composers. Simply "I liked it" or "That sucked" really isn't good enough.
  • If applicable, give constructive critique/criticism.
  • Keep in mind that your personal tastes are just that. (Example: I hate this song because it has guitars in it.)
I think we're good. But since the only composers in this entire forum are Kaimen and myself for the time being, this thread might be a bit rusty for awhile...

Happy sharing!


Praised Adventurer
I'm not a composer, but I do make music. Here is the most recent cover I finished.


Since I'm the first to post there's nothing to leave feedback for, so I guess I get off easy this time. (smile)

David Lister

Looks like it's been a month since there's been a post here. What about some of us sharing our earliest works - the ones that humble us? (tongue)