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[Poll] Change Smileys?

What do you want to do for Smileys?

  • Keep them as is

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Manually adding them

    Votes: 25 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Resource Team
Currently, if you type XD it turns into XD same goes with various other emoticons. Now, this could get in the way of typing some things, and in order to remove them you need to type
. A few members have been complaining that this gets in the way of a lot of things. So my question to you is, would you like to see Smileys left the same, or do you want to make it so you have to manually click the smiley emoticon in your chat, then find the smiley you want to use, and then put it into the chat manually? The poll is open, and we have a week to vote on it. The fate of RMMV lays in your hands!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
It wouldn't make that much of a difference to me either way, to be honest. I went ahead and voted for putting the smileys in manually, since I usually do that anyway.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Eh, it's like most other forums. Just click on the smiley icon at the top of the comment box, and it opens up at the bottom. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Going for manually since I don't really make a difference between a :P and a :P. And yes, I did add the smiley there manually. :D

Bizarre Monkey

Ohoho! Wooooow that ended up being more one-sided than I thought it would be.

I prefer the typed out form of smilies like Kaimen does above, they seem more organic that way.

The main reason though is that to type something like EXDEATH requires formatting to not turn it into EXDEATH and that's where I draw the line and ask that something be done. Roman numerals (As Lethal Blood pointed out already) are another excellent example.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
This has nothing to do with the actual poll but I just wanted to point out that your post right now, @Bizarre Monkey was the 600th one in 30 discussions in the Forum Announcements. :D


I do like the auto-smilies, but I also like to click on the ones that I forget how to type. The ones I've dealt with are usually encased in : : though.
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Staff member
I vote for having the user manually click the face to add an emoticon.
Not only, will the emotes stop interfering with text but the user will also get to see the entire selection of emoticons, so he or she can find the one that best fits the situation.


Dragon Goddess
I like auto-smilies best myself. I am probably too lazy to go through and pick out my emotion at the time XD it's more fun when it's auto

I ONLY feel that way on this forum though, because this forum actually has cute smilies!!
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