Indie Dev

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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Bulbasaur is still a copyrighted entity.
Pokémon itself is copyrighted completely. You just have to ask the company if you're allowed to make a fangame (if it is). Most companies don't care but some get really angry and might sue you for using their material or even the nameor idea. Also depends on how popular the game becomes. If you ask they might even allow you to use the original images but it's a pretty grey zone about copyright and licenses.

Hope you can find some people who'd be willing to work with you :)

Alex Skie

Pokémon itself is copyrighted completely. You just have to ask the company if you're allowed to make a fangame (if it is). Most companies don't care but some get really angry and might sue you for using their material or even the nameor idea. Also depends on how popular the game becomes. If you ask they might even allow you to use the original images but it's a pretty grey zone about copyright and licenses.

Hope you can find some people who'd be willing to work with you :)
Id imagine its fine considering the load of pokestuff for RPGVXAXE But This is more about making a pocket monster game, pokemon was just a good way to grab attention and explain the idea .
Where did you get that picture of Bulbasaur? That is a copyrighted image.
Do you want me to delete the post or are you just stating that.


At most, you would get a Cease and Desist order from Nintendo if you released the game to the public (rare if is a free game and the better/popular the game is, the bigger risk), but probably not a good idea to post it (the game itself) here because the staff will report you.

Just look at what happened to this guy -

Cool people like ZUN (confirmed) allow fan games and he actually loves it. Capcom also don't care (unconfirmed) if people use their sprites. You know Nintendo though, very strict!

Alex Skie

At most, you would get a Cease and Desist order from Nintendo if you released the game to the public (rare if is a free game and the better/popular the game is, the bigger risk), but probably not a good idea to post it (the game itself) here because the staff will report you.

Just look at what happened to this guy -

Cool people like ZUN (confirmed) allow fan games and he actually loves it. Capcom also don't care (unconfirmed) if people use their sprites. You know Nintendo though, very strict!
thanks ill rephrase everything to meet the standards