Indie Dev

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Please to meet you


hello, i'm newbe in game making
i can't create my own resources yet, so i think i'l just borrowing from here and other place for my first project


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums! I'm quite new myself (to both the forums and to the RPG Maker series). I'm loving the community here, and I hope you will come to enjoy it too! I've made several "test projects" but never saw one to completion. I have some ideas for my current project and I'm doing the same thing - borrowing resources. I'm no artist, even for pixel art, so finding a site like this where there are many resources available is like a treasure trove for me. :)

Feel free to ask any questions! :)


Praised Adventurer
Good afternoon, acceloss, and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. One can do an awful lot with the 'stock' resources, and there are plenty here to add to that as well, so you've a good head start..!


Staff member
Hi acceloss and welcome to the community. I apologize for the late welcoming. Many resources here, Just remember to give credit when using them. :)


Towns Guard
Welcome by me as well. You are going to find a lot of useful resources here. And beyond that, you will find a friendly, helpful and skilled community as well!