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Playlist from the depths of your emo phase... O.o


Towns Guard
I just stumbled on to Frank Iero's new album which is why I decided to start this thread! I was a huge My Chemical Romance fan boy back in the day (Still am, Heuheuehuehue) New Album:

Does anyone have any cringy or dumb stories of their angsty past?
What was everyone's youth anthems?

I used to have black nail and stuff. XD (I secretly miss it, but don't tell anyone)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I am not in an emo phase (though im 16 and surely supposed to or people expect me to but eh idk). I just generally like this dark kind of music but yeah idk.
I've been listening to these songs since I was 12, woah its been so long

@DireDimes this sounds like something my sis listens to lol


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Can't say I really went through an emo phase, but the music coming out when I was 13 sure made me want to. That year we got:

The Peas coming back:
Britney coming back:
This monstrosity:

Truly, truly, a tragic time in history.


Towns Guard
@Amysaurus Oh, wow! I can feel the 2000's in those songs. XD Maybe in 4 or 9 years, they'll be considered vintage. Those I have to say, to this day, I still think the orchestra in Toxic by Britney is the most metal thing that happened to pop music!

@Cunechan Is that german? It seems interesting. Lol, your sis is into punk?


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
@Amysaurus lOL. Is it bad that I listened to all of them when I was little xD?

@DireDimes yup, my sis is a punk. And she listens to all kinds of interesting and special stuff xD And that's german.

something else I always listened to and still am